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zapisa / records: 37444 pogodaka / hits: (154 ) 154
1. članak / article "I hope it won't happen to me!" Hospitality and tourism students' fear of difficult moral situations as managers ...
Marnburg, Einar. "I hope it won't happen to me!" Hospitality and tourism students' fear of difficult moral situations as managers / Einar Marnburg. - 2006. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 27 (2006), No. 4
2. članak / article A ética nos serviČos ecoturísticos ...
Ruschmann, Doris van de Meene. A ética nos serviČos ecoturísticos = Ethics in ecotourism services / Doris van de Meene Ruschmann. - 1998. // Turismo : visâo e acâo / Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, Curso de Mestrado em Turismo e Hoteleria. Vol. 1 (1998), No. 1
3. članak / article A look at the changing acculturation patterns in the United States and implications for the hospitality industry ...
Magnini, Vincent P.. A look at the changing acculturation patterns in the United States and implications for the hospitality industry / Vincent P. Magnini. - 2003. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 2 (2003), No. 2
4. članak / article A quantitative investigation of tourists' ethical attitudes toward animal-based attractions ...
Shani, Amir. A quantitative investigation of tourists' ethical attitudes toward animal-based attractions / Amir Shani. - 2012. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 60 (2012), No. 2
5. članak / article Academic capitalism, academic responsibility and tourism academics: or, the silence of the lambs? ...
Hall, Colin M.. Academic capitalism, academic responsibility and tourism academics: or, the silence of the lambs? / Colin Michael Hall. - 2010. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 35 (2010), No. 3
6. članak / article Acquisition premiums and performance improvements for acquirers and targets in the lodging industry ...
Kim, Jin-Young. Acquisition premiums and performance improvements for acquirers and targets in the lodging industry / Jin-Young Kim, Linda Canina. - 2013. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 54 (2013), No. 4
7. članak / article Akrasia and tourism: why we sometimes act against our better judgement? ...
Fennell, David A.. Akrasia and tourism: why we sometimes act against our better judgement? / David A. Fennell. - 2015. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 40 (2015), No. 1
8. članak / article An analysis of consumers' reactions to travel websites' discrimination by computer platform ...
Mattila, Anna S.. An analysis of consumers' reactions to travel websites' discrimination by computer platform / Anna S. Mattila, Choongbeom Choi. - 2014. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 55 (2014), No. 2
9. članak / article An analysis of ethical work climate and leadership relationship in lodging operations ...
Upchurch, Randall S.. An analysis of ethical work climate and leadership relationship in lodging operations / Randall S. Upchurch, Sheila K. Ruhland. - 1995. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 34 (1995/96), No. 2
10. članak / article An analysis of whalewatching codes of conduct ...
Garrod, Brian. An analysis of whalewatching codes of conduct / Brian Garrod, David A. Fennell. - 2004. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 31 (2004), No. 2
11. članak / article An empirical application of quantitative derived importance - performance analysis (QDIPA) for employee satisfaction ...
Mount, Daniel J.. An empirical application of quantitative derived importance - performance analysis (QDIPA) for employee satisfaction / Daniel J. Mount. - 2005. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 6 (2005), No. 1-2
12. članak / article An integrated approach to strategic management for the lodging industry ...
Kim, Byeong-Yong. An integrated approach to strategic management for the lodging industry / Byeong Yong Kim, Haemoon Oh. - 2003. // International journal of hospitality and tourism administration. Vol. 4 (2003), No. 2
13. knjiga / book Animals and tourism : understanding diverse relationship ...
Animals and tourism : understanding diverse relationship / edited by Kevin Markwell. - Bristol ; Buffalo ; Toronto, 2015. - (Aspects of Tourism / series editors:Chris Cooper, Michael Hall, Dallen J. Timothy ; 67)
14. članak / article Approaching managerial ethical standards in Croatia's hotel industry ...
Fox, John. Approaching managerial ethical standards in Croatia's hotel industry / John Fox. - 2000. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 12 (2000), No. 1
15. članak / article Are local residents fickle minded? Influence of moral beliefs on perceived gambling impacts ...
Chhabra, Deepak. Are local residents fickle minded? Influence of moral beliefs on perceived gambling impacts / Deepak Chhabra. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 13 (2008), No. 5-6
16. članak / article Assessing customers' emotional experiences influencing their satisfaction in the lodging industry ...
Han, Heesup. Assessing customers' emotional experiences influencing their satisfaction in the lodging industry / Heesup Han, Ki-Joon Back. - 2007. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 23 (2007), No. 1
17. članak / article Attributing corporate responsibility for sexual harassment: the supervisory connection ...
Attributing corporate responsibility for sexual harassment: the supervisory connection / JeAnna L. Abbott ... [et al.]. - 2014. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 55 (2014), No. 4
18. članak / article Beyond ethical assessment of gambling ...
Fong, Lawrence Hoc Nang. Beyond ethical assessment of gambling / Lawrence Hoc Nang Fong, Daniel Leung, Rob Law. - 2014. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 39 (2014), No. 3
19. članak / article Book review : Animals and tourism: understanding diverse relationships ...
Singh, Tej Vir. Book review : Animals and tourism: understanding diverse relationships / edited by Kevin Markwell. - 2015. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 40 (2015), No. 3
20. članak / article Book review : Everything you need to know about internet marketing ...
Buhalis, Dimitrios. Book review : Everything you need to know about internet marketing / by Auliana Poon ... [et al.]. - 2012. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 39 (2012), No. 2
21. članak / article Book review : Managing ethical consumption in tourism ...
Hawkins, Rebecca. Book review : Managing ethical consumption in tourism / Claire Weeden, Karla Boluk (eds.). - 2015. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 51 (2015)
22. članak / article Book review : Responsible tourist behaviour / C. Weeden ...
Stanford, Davina. Book review : Responsible tourist behaviour / C. Weeden. - 2014. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 43 (2014)
23. članak / article Book review : The ethics of tourism: critical and applied perspectives / Brent and Kirsten Lovelock ...
Goodwin, Harold. Book review : The ethics of tourism: critical and applied perspectives / Brent and Kirsten Lovelock. - 2014. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 47 (2014)
24. članak / article Book review : The ethics of tourism: critical and applied perspectives / B. Lovelock, K. M. Lovelock ...
Wilkinson, Paul F.. Book review : The ethics of tourism: critical and applied perspectives / B. Lovelock, K. M. Lovelock. - 2014. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 44 (2014)
25. članak / article Book review : Values in tourism: an itinerary to tourism ethics ...
Scantlebury, Michael M. G.. Book review : Values in tourism: an itinerary to tourism ethics / Sietske Gras-Dijkstra. - 2011. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 38 (2011), No. 2
26. članak / article Bullfighting and tourism ...
Cohen, Erik. Bullfighting and tourism / Erik Cohen. - 2014. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 19 (2014), No. 5
27. članak / article Business ethics and tourism: from micro to macro perspectives ...
Walle, Alf H.. Business ethics and tourism: from micro to macro perspectives / Alf H. Walle. - 1995. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 16 (1995), No. 4
28. članak / article Can an ethical situation be "not a question of ethics"? ...
Beck, Jeffrey A.. Can an ethical situation be "not a question of ethics"? / Jeffrey A. Beck, William Lazer, Raymond Schmidgall. - 2010. // Journal of hospitality marketing & management. Vol. 19 (2010), No. 2
29. članak / article Codes of ethics and tourism: an exploratory content analysis ...
Malloy, David Cruise. Codes of ethics and tourism: an exploratory content analysis / David Cruise Malloy, David A. Fennell. - 1998. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 19 (1998), No. 5
30. članak / article Codes of ethics in tourism: practice, theory, synthesis ...
Codes of ethics in tourism: practice, theory, synthesis / Olga Kampaxi. - 2008. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 35 (2008), No. 2
31. članak / article Company values and ethical leadership ...
Jaszay, Christine. Company values and ethical leadership / Christine Jaszay. - 2002. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 1 (2002), No. 3
32. članak / article Comparative ethics : how students and human-resources directors react to real-life situations ...
Stevens, Betsy. Comparative ethics : how students and human-resources directors react to real-life situations / Betsy Stevens, Andreas Fleckenstein. - 1999. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 40 (1999), No. 2
33. članak / article Concluding remarks ...
Concluding remarks. - 2014. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 39 (2014), No. 3
34. članak / article Consulting ethics ...
Feighery, William G.. Consulting ethics / William G. Feighery. - 2011. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 38 (2011), No. 3
35. članak / article Consumers' perceptions of fairness and the resultant effect on customer satisfaction ...
Severt, Denver. Consumers' perceptions of fairness and the resultant effect on customer satisfaction / Denver E. Severt, Paul D. Rompf. - 2006. // Journal of hospitality & leisure marketing : the international forum for research, theory & practice. Vol. 15 (2006), No. 1
36. članak / article Continuum of econoic-political and socio-cultural perspectives on ethical animal consumption in tourism ...
Nowaczek, Agnes M.. Continuum of econoic-political and socio-cultural perspectives on ethical animal consumption in tourism / Agnes M. Nowaczek. - 2013. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 38 (2013), No. 2
37. članak / article Cross-cultural differences: an influence on tourism ethics? ...
Cross-cultural differences: an influence on tourism ethics? / Stephen W. Litvin... [et al.]. - 2004. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 52 (2004), No. 1
38. članak / article Cross-cultural efficacy of American low-impact programs: a comparison between Garhwal guide beliefs on environmental behavior and American outdoor travel norms ...
Serenari, Christopher. Cross-cultural efficacy of American low-impact programs: a comparison between Garhwal guide beliefs on environmental behavior and American outdoor travel norms / Christopher Serenari, Keith Bosak, Aram Attarian. - 2013. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 34 (2013), No. 1
39. članak / article Cyber-tourism and social capital: ethics, trust and sociability ...
Ross, Glenn F.. Cyber-tourism and social capital: ethics, trust and sociability / Glenn F. Ross. - 2005. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 30 (2005), No. 3
40. članak / article Delineating the gray areas in hospitality workplace ethics: perceptions of international interns ...
Becker, Cherylynn. Delineating the gray areas in hospitality workplace ethics: perceptions of international interns / Cherylynn Becker, Ying Gao. - 2010. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 9 (2010), No. 2
41. članak / article Der Globale Ethikkodex für Tourismus der Welttourismusorganisation der Vereinten Nationen ...
Kruger, Helmut. Der Globale Ethikkodex für Tourismus der Welttourismusorganisation der Vereinten Nationen / Helmut Krüger. - 2011. // Jahrbuch für Fremdenverkehr OTPIS 2019. Jahrgang 50 (2010)
42. članak / article Designing a hospitality ethics course content from the students' perspective ...
Yeung, Sylvester. Designing a hospitality ethics course content from the students' perspective / Sylvester Yeung, Ray Pine. - 2003. // Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 3 (2003), No. 2
43. članak / article Determination of significant issues: applying a quantitative method to importance-performance analysis ...
Mount, Daniel J.. Determination of significant issues: applying a quantitative method to importance-performance analysis / Daniel J. Mount. - 2000. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 1 (2000), No. 3
44. članak / article Development of a job satisfaction factor model for the lodging industry ...
Mount, Daniel J.. Development of a job satisfaction factor model for the lodging industry / Daniel J. Mount, A.L. "Bart" Bartlett. - 2002. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 1 (2002), No. 1
45. članak / article Ecotourism and ethics: moral development and organizational cultures ...
Malloy, David Cruise. Ecotourism and ethics: moral development and organizational cultures / David Cruise Malloy, David A. Fennell. - 1998. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 36 (1997/98), No. 4
46. članak / article Ecotourism, animals and ecocentrism: a re-examination of the billfish debate ...
Fennell, David A.. Ecotourism, animals and ecocentrism: a re-examination of the billfish debate / David A. Fennell. - 2013. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 38 (2013), No. 2
47. članak / article Educators' perceptions of business ethics in hospitality ...
Lin, Jung-Mao (Ronnie). Educators' perceptions of business ethics in hospitality / Jung-Mao (Ronnie) Lin, Lynda Martin, Cihan Cobanoglu. - 2002. // Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 2 (2002), No. 3-4
48. članak / article Employee relation programs and hotel performance: impact on turnover, labor productivity, andRevPAR ...
Cho, Seonghee. Employee relation programs and hotel performance: impact on turnover, labor productivity, andRevPAR / Seonghee Cho, Mehmet Erdem. - 2006. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 5 (2006), No. 2
49. članak / article Ethical content of pictures of animals in tourism promotion ...
Bertella, Giovanna. Ethical content of pictures of animals in tourism promotion / Giovanna Bertella. - 2013. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 38 (2013), No. 3
50. članak / article Ethical employment context and ethical decision-making in hospitality organizations located in Mexico and the United States ...
Valentine, Sean. Ethical employment context and ethical decision-making in hospitality organizations located in Mexico and the United States / Sean Valentine, Lynn Godkin, Keith Mandabach. - 2014. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 15 (2014), No. 3-4
51. članak / article Ethical ideologies of tourism marketers ...
Yaman, H. Ruhi. Ethical ideologies of tourism marketers / H. Ruhi Yaman, Eda Gurel. - 2006. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 33 (2006), No. 2
52. članak / article Ethical perceptions of hotels towards the loans of development bank and commercial banks in TRNC ...
Safakli, Okan Veli. Ethical perceptions of hotels towards the loans of development bank and commercial banks in TRNC / Okan Veli Şafakli. - 2006. // Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol. 17 (2006), No. 1
53. članak / article Ethical principles for the hospitality curriculum ...
Vallen, Gary. Ethical principles for the hospitality curriculum / Gary Vallen, Matt Casado. - 2000. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 41 (2000), No. 2
54. članak / article Ethical responsibilities towards expedition pack animals : the mountain guide's and expedition leader's ethical responsibilities towards pack animals on expedition ...
Cousquer, Glen. Ethical responsibilities towards expedition pack animals : the mountain guide's and expedition leader's ethical responsibilities towards pack animals on expedition / Glen Cousquer, Pete Allison. - 2012. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 39 (2012), No. 4
55. članak / article Ethical tourism and development: the personal and the political ...
Butcher, Jim. Ethical tourism and development: the personal and the political / Jim Butcher. - 2015. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 40 (2015), No. 1
56. članak / article Ethical travel decisions : travel agents and human rights ...
Lovelock, Brent. Ethical travel decisions : travel agents and human rights / Brent Lovelock. - 2008. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 35 (2008), No. 2
57. članak / article Ethics in the hospitality industry: an applied model ...
Upchurch, Randall S.. Ethics in the hospitality industry: an applied model / Randall S. Upchurch. - 1998. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 10 (1998), No. 6
58. članak / article Ethics of gambling: minimizing harm ...
Chhabra, Deepak. Ethics of gambling: minimizing harm / Deepak Chhabra. - 2014. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 39 (2014), No. 3
59. članak / article Ethics of gambling? Context ...
Ethics of gambling? Context. - 2014. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 39 (2014), No. 3
60. članak / article Ethics, economics and tourism: Myanmar as a case study ...
Reith, Samantha. Ethics, economics and tourism: Myanmar as a case study / Samantha Reith, John Nauright. - 2005. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 30 (2005), No. 2
61. članak / article Ethics, motivation and rainforest tourguide business interest ...
Ross, Glenn F.. Ethics, motivation and rainforest tourguide business interest / Glenn F. Ross. - 2004. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 29 (2004), No. 1
62. članak / article Ethics: communicating standards and influencing behavior ...
Stevens, Betsy. Ethics: communicating standards and influencing behavior / Betsy Stevens, Judi Brownell. - 2000. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 41 (2000), No. 2
63. članak / article Ética e turismo ...
Nassar, Zacaria Alexandre. Ética e turismo = Ethics and tourism / Zacaria Alexandre Nassar. - 2001. // Turismo : visâo e acâo / Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, Curso de Mestrado em Turismo e Hoteleria. Vol. 4 (2001), No. 8
64. članak / article Examining e-relationship marketing features on hotel websites ...
Bai, Billy. Examining e-relationship marketing features on hotel websites / Billy Bai, Clark Hu, SooCheong (Shawn) Jang. - 2006. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 21 (2006), No. 2
65. članak / article Exploring discourse ethics for tourism transformation ...
Lopez-Gonzalez, Jose L.. Exploring discourse ethics for tourism transformation / José L. López-González. - 2018. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 66 (2018), No. 3
66. članak / article Exploring the interaction between perceived ethical obligation and subjective norms, and their influence on CSR-related choices ...
Sandve, Anethe. Exploring the interaction between perceived ethical obligation and subjective norms, and their influence on CSR-related choices / Snethe Sandve, Torvald Ogaard. - 2014. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 42 (2014)
67. članak / article Free time, culture and tourism: a three-civilizational perspective: China-India-Western ...
Blair, Karin. Free time, culture and tourism: a three-civilizational perspective: China-India-Western / Karin Blair, John Blair. - 1998. // Leisure, culture and tourism in Europe : the challenge for reconstruction and modernisation in communities : [10th ELRA Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 29-October 1, 1997 / ed. by Wolfgang Nahrstedt, Tonka Pancic Kombol
68. članak / article Gap year volunteer tourism : myths of global citizenship? ...
Gap year volunteer tourism : myths of global citizenship? / Kevin Lyons ... [et al.]. - 2012. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 39 (2012), No. 1
69. članak / article Gender vis-a-vis perceptions of fundamental moral orientations and outcome preferences ...
Gender vis-a-vis perceptions of fundamental moral orientations and outcome preferences / Michael K. McCuddy ... [et al.]. - 2011. // Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol. 22 (2011), No. 1
70. knjiga / book Global code of ethics for tourism ...
Global code of ethics for tourism
71. članak / article Globalni etički kodeks za turizam ...
Hitrec, Tomislav. Globalni etički kodeks za turizam / Tomislav Hitrec. - 2001. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 49 (2001), br. 1
72. članak / article Grooming future hospitality leaders : a competencies model ...
Chung-Herrera, Beth G.. Grooming future hospitality leaders : a competencies model / Beth G. Chung-Herrera, Cathy A. Enz, Melenie J. Lankau. - 2003. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 44 (2003), No. 3
73. članak / article Homes and castles - is private hospitality identification or intrusion? ...
Whyte, Iain. Homes and castles - is private hospitality identification or intrusion? / Iain Whyte. - 1999. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 11 (1999), No. 2-3
74. članak / article Hospitality professionals' responses to ethical situations ...
Damitio, James W.. Hospitality professionals' responses to ethical situations / James W. Damitio, Raymond S. Schmidgall. - 1993. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 34 (1993), No. 4
75. članak / article Hotel general managers' perceptions of business ethics education: implications for hospitality educators, professionals, and students ...
Yeh, Ronnie J.. Hotel general managers' perceptions of business ethics education: implications for hospitality educators, professionals, and students / Ronnie Yeh. - 2012. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 11 (2012), No. 1
76. članak / article Hotel marketing mnagers' responses to ethical dilemmas ...
Beck, Jeffrey A.. Hotel marketing mnagers' responses to ethical dilemmas / Jeffrey A. Beck, William Lazer, Raymond Schmidgall. - 2007. // International journal of hospitality and tourism administration. Vol. 8 (2007), No. 3
77. članak / article Hotel revenue management - a critical literature review ...
Ivanov, Stanislav. Hotel revenue management - a critical literature review / Stanislav Ivanov, Vladimir Zhechevs. - 2012. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 60 (2012), No. 2
78. članak / article How does tourist monitoring alter fish behavior in underwater trails? ...
Bessa, Eduardo. How does tourist monitoring alter fish behavior in underwater trails? / Eduardo Bessa, Eliane Goncalves-de-Freitas. - 2014. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 45 (2014)
79. članak / article Impacts of respect, support, and teamwork on hotel employees' morale in Egypt ...
El Said, Osman Ahmed. Impacts of respect, support, and teamwork on hotel employees' morale in Egypt / Osman Ahmed El-Said. - 2014. // Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol. 25 (2014), No. 2
80. članak / article Implementing and evaluating a code of conduct for visitors ...
Cole, Stroma. Implementing and evaluating a code of conduct for visitors / Stroma Cole. - 2007. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 28 (2007), No. 2
81. članak / article In need of new environmental ethics for tourism? ...
Holden, Andrew. In need of new environmental ethics for tourism? / Andrew Holden. - 2003. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 30 (2003), No. 1
82. članak / article Influencing collective moral judgement by changing ethical cultire in tourism industry: the case of Slovenia ...
Šalamon, Tanja. Influencing collective moral judgement by changing ethical cultire in tourism industry: the case of Slovenia / Tanja Šalamon, Marko Koščak, Borut Vojinović. - 2016. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 64 (2016), No. 2
83. članak / article Internalizing action learning: a company perspective. Establishing critical success factors for action learning courses ...
Internalizing action learning: a company perspective. Establishing critical success factors for action learning courses / Hadyn Ingram ... [ et al.]. - 2000. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 12 (2000), No. 2
84. članak / article Is there a right to tourism? ...
Breakey, Noreen. Is there a right to tourism? / Noreen Breakey, Hugh Breakey. - 2013. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 18 (2013), No. 6
85. članak / article Just tourism : an ethical framework ...
Hultsman, John. Just tourism : an ethical framework / John Hultsman. - 1995. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 22 (1995), No. 3
86. članak / article Knowing the difference between right and wrong: the response of tourism students to ethical dilemmas ...
Hudson, Simon. Knowing the difference between right and wrong: the response of tourism students to ethical dilemmas / Simon Hudson, Graham Miller. - 2006. // Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 6 (2006), No. 2
87. knjiga / book Konflikt und Diskurs im Ferienort : wirtschaftsethische Betrachtungen am Fallbeispiel Engelberg ...
Konflikt und Diskurs im Ferienort : wirtschaftsethische Betrachtungen am Fallbeispiel Engelberg / Claudio Luigi Ferrante. - Bern, 1994. - (Berner Studien zur Freizeit und Tourismus ; Vol32)
88. članak / article Konflikt und Diskurs in Ferienorten ...
Müller, Hansruedi. Konflikt und Diskurs in Ferienorten / Hansruedi Müller, Claudio Luigi Ferrante. - 1993. // Revue de tourisme = The tourist review = Zeitschrift für Fremdenverkehr. Vol. 48 (1993), No. 2
89. članak / article Kulturne razlike - utjecaj na turističku etiku? ...
Kulturne razlike - utjecaj na turističku etiku? / Stephen W. Litvin... [et al.]. - 2004. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 52 (2004), br. 1
90. članak / article Kvantitativno ispitivanje etičnih stavova turista o atrakcijama sa životinjama ...
Shani, Amir. Kvantitativno ispitivanje etičnih stavova turista o atrakcijama sa životinjama / Amir Shani. - 2012. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 60 (2012), br. 2
91. članak / article La etica en las regiones turisticas : un estudio de caso en Minas Gerais - Brasil ...
Gomes, Bruno Martins A.. La etica en las regiones turisticas : un estudio de caso en Minas Gerais - Brasil / Bruno Martins Augusto Gomes, Miguel Bahl. - 2010. // Estudios y perspectivas en turismo. Vol. 19 (2010), No. 4
92. članak / article La formación ética en las profesiones turísticas ...
Gurría Di-Bella, Manuel. La formación ética en las profesiones turísticas / Manuel Gurría Di-Bella. - 2000. // Estudios y perspectivas en turismo. Vol. 9 (2000), No. 1-2
93. članak / article Marketing ecologico y turismo ...
Dias, Reinaldo. Marketing ecologico y turismo / Reinaldo Dias. - 2008. // Estudios y perspectivas en turismo. Vol. 17 (2008), No. 1
94. članak / article Measuring the ethical nature of tourism operators ...
Fennell, David A.. Measuring the ethical nature of tourism operators / David A. Fennell, David C. Malloy. - 1999. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 26 (1999), No. 4
95. članak / article Miscommunication and cultural values in conflict: reflections on morality and tourism in Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia ...
Erb, Maribeth. Miscommunication and cultural values in conflict: reflections on morality and tourism in Labuan Bajo, Flores, Indonesia / Maribeth Erb. - 2004. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 52 (2004), No. 1
96. članak / article Moral disengagement of hotel guest negative WOM: moral identity centrality, moral awareness, and anger ...
He, Hongwei. Moral disengagement of hotel guest negative WOM: moral identity centrality, moral awareness, and anger / Hongwei He, Lloyd Harris. - 2014. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 45 (2014)
97. članak / article Nerazumijevanje i konflikt kulturnih vrijednosti - razmatranje o moralu i turizmu u Labuan Bajou, Flores, Indonezija ...
Erb, Maribeth. Nerazumijevanje i konflikt kulturnih vrijednosti - razmatranje o moralu i turizmu u Labuan Bajou, Flores, Indonezija / Maribeth Erb. - 2004. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 52 (2004), br. 1
98. članak / article Older workers' communication satisfaction in the lodging industry ...
Fu, Yao-Yi. Older workers' communication satisfaction in the lodging industry / Yao-Yi Fu, Daniel J. Mount. - 2002. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 1 (2002), No. 1
99. članak / article Perceived fairness of yield management ...
Kimes, Sheryl E.. Perceived fairness of yield management / Sheryl E. Kimes. - 1994. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 35 (1994), No. 1
100. članak / article Perceptions of tourism and hotel management students on ethics in the workplace ...
Lee, Louisa Y.S.. Perceptions of tourism and hotel management students on ethics in the workplace / Louisa Yee-Sum Lee, Nelson K. F. Tsang. - 2013. // Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 13 (2013), No. 3
101. članak / article Plagiarism behavior among undergraduate students in hospitality and tourism education ...
Goh, Edmund. Plagiarism behavior among undergraduate students in hospitality and tourism education / Edmund Goh. - 2013. // Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 13 (2013), No. 4
102. članak / article Poslovna etika kao preduvjet kvalitetnijeg turizma ...
Fox, John. Poslovna etika kao preduvjet kvalitetnijeg turizma / John Fox. - 1998. // Međunarodni kongres 'Hotelska kuća' '98. Hotel u turističkoj destinaciji : zbornik radova / [glavni i odgovorni urednik Milena Peršić] ; Knjiga 1
103. članak / article Pravila ponašanja u turizmu i njihov utjecaj na održivi turizam ...
Bučar, Kristina. Pravila ponašanja u turizmu i njihov utjecaj na održivi turizam = Codes of conduct in tourism and their impact on sustainable tourism / Kristina Bučar, Sanda Škorić, Darko Prebežac. - 2010. // Acta turistica OTPIS 2021. Vol. 22 (2010), No. 2
104. članak / article Profit, responsibility, and the moral economy of tourism ...
Su, Xiaobo. Profit, responsibility, and the moral economy of tourism / Xiaobo Su, Hua Wang, Tong Wen. - 2013. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 43 (2013)
105. članak / article Reasons for employee turnover among room attendants: managers' perspectives ...
Madanoglu, Melih. Reasons for employee turnover among room attendants: managers' perspectives / Melih Madanoglu, Patrick J. Moreo, Jerrold K. Leong. - 2003. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 2 (2003), No. 1
106. članak / article Recreational hunting: ethics, experiences and commoditization ...
Cohen, Erik. Recreational hunting: ethics, experiences and commoditization / Erik Cohen. - 2014. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 39 (2014), No. 1
107. članak / article Responsibility in tourism: a discursive analysis ...
Responsibility in tourism: a discursive analysis / Bryan S.R. Grimwood ... [et al.]. - 2015. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 50 (2015)
108. članak / article Role of intangible assets in foreign-market entry-mode decisions: a longitudinal study of American lodging firms ...
Choi, Gunae. Role of intangible assets in foreign-market entry-mode decisions: a longitudinal study of American lodging firms / Gunae Choi, H. G. Parsa. - 2012. // International journal of hospitality and tourism administration. Vol.13 (2012), No. 4
109. članak / article Social networking technologies and the moral economy of alternative tourism: the case of ...
Germann Molz, Jennie. Social networking technologies and the moral economy of alternative tourism: the case of / Jennie Germann Molz. - 2013. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 43 (2013)
110. članak / article Staff job-related ethics of hotel employees in Hong Kong ...
Chak Keung Wong, Simon. Staff job-related ethics of hotel employees in Hong Kong / Simon Chak Keung Wong. - 1998. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 10 (1998), No. 3
111. članak / article Taking the moral turn in tourism studies ...
Caton, Kellee. Taking the moral turn in tourism studies / Kellee Caton. - 2012. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 39 (2012), No. 4
112. članak / article Ten years later, Goa still uneasy over the impact of tourism ...
Noronha, Frederick. Ten years later, Goa still uneasy over the impact of tourism / Frederick Noronha. - 1999. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 11 (1999), No. 2-3
113. članak / article The antecedents and consequence of implementing responsible gaming practice ...
Chen McCain, Shiang-Lih. The antecedents and consequence of implementing responsible gaming practice / Shiang-Lih Chen McCain, Henry Tsai, Nick Bellino. - 2009. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 26 (2009), No. 4
114. članak / article The challenges of business ethics - management and the question of ethics ...
Jamnik, Anton. The challenges of business ethics - management and the question of ethics / Anton Jamnik. - 2011. // Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 17 (2011), No. 1
115. članak / article The discourse of medical tourism in the media ...
Mainil, Tomas. The discourse of medical tourism in the media / Tomas Mainil, Vincent Platenkamp, Herman Meulemans. - 2011. // Tourism review = Revue de tourisme = Zeitschrift für Fremdenverkehr. Vol. 66 (2011), No. 1-2
116. članak / article The environment-tourism nexus : influence of market ethics ...
Holden, Andrew. The environment-tourism nexus : influence of market ethics / Andrew Holden. - 2009. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 36 (2009), No. 3
117. članak / article The ethical challenges of managing pilgfimages to the Holy Land ...
Sizer, Stephen R.. The ethical challenges of managing pilgfimages to the Holy Land / Stephen R. Sizer. - 1999. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 11 (1999), No. 2-3
118. članak / article The ethics of excellence in tourism research ...
Fennell, David A.. The ethics of excellence in tourism research / David Fennell. - 2013. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 52 (2013), No. 4
119. članak / article The ethics of gambling: are we asking the right questions? ...
Shani, Amir. The ethics of gambling: are we asking the right questions? / Amir Shani. - 2014. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 39 (2014), No. 3
120. članak / article The ethics of gambling: are we asking the right questions or should these questions be explored in a wider context? ...
Gavriel-Fried, Belle. The ethics of gambling: are we asking the right questions or should these questions be explored in a wider context? / Belle Gavriel-Fried. - 2014. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 39 (2014), No. 3
121. članak / article The importance of ethical leadership in employees' value congruence and turnoverf ...
The importance of ethical leadership in employees' value congruence and turnoverf. - 2015. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 56 (2015), No. 4
122. članak / article The main paths of medical tourism: from transplantation to beautification ...
The main paths of medical tourism: from transplantation to beautification / Thomas C. Chuang ... [et al.]. - 2014. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 45 (2014)
123. članak / article The moralisation of tourism: sun, sand ... and saving the world? ...
The moralisation of tourism: sun, sand ... and saving the world? / Bruce S. Young. - 2004. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 31 (2004), No. 3
124. članak / article The multidimensional ethics scale and cruise ship tourists: testing the troubled waters ...
Sheppard, Valerie A.. The multidimensional ethics scale and cruise ship tourists: testing the troubled waters / Valerie A. Sheppard, David A. Fennell. - 2009. // Tourism in marine environments. Vol. 5 (2008), No. 4
125. članak / article The question of global ethics ...
Kamamis, Melanie. The question of global ethics / Melanie Kamamis. - 1992. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 33 (1992), No. 6
126. članak / article The role of hedonism in ethical tourism ...
Malone, Sheila. The role of hedonism in ethical tourism / Sheila Malone, Scott McCabe, Andrew P. Smith. - 2014. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 44 (2014)
127. članak / article The senior travel market: do's and don'ts ...
Hartman, Jeff D.. The senior travel market: do's and don'ts / Jeff D. Hartman, Hailin Qu. - 2007. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 8 (2007), No. 2
128. članak / article The touristics services in Romania and some ethical aspects of consumers protection ...
Tomescu, Ada-Mirela. The touristics services in Romania and some ethical aspects of consumers protection / Ada-Mirela Tomescu, Elena Botezat. - 2002. // Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 8 (2002), No. 1-2
129. članak / article Tourism and animal rights ...
Fennell, David A.. Tourism and animal rights / David A. Fennell. - 2012. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 37 (2012), No. 2
130. članak / article Tourism and animal rights: more than meets the eye ...
Shani, Amir. Tourism and animal rights: more than meets the eye / Amir Shani. - 2012. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 37 (2012), No. 3
131. članak / article Tourism and animal welfare ...
Fennell, David A.. Tourism and animal welfare / David A. Fennell. - 2013. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 38 (2013), No. 3
132. članak / article Tourism and applied ethics ...
Fennell, David A.. Tourism and applied ethics / David A. Fennell. - 2000. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 25 (2000), No. 1
133. članak / article Tourism and cultural sustainability: towards an eco-cultural justice for place and people ...
Tourism and cultural sustainability: towards an eco-cultural justice for place and people / Tazim Jamal ... [et al.]. - 2010. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 35 (2010), No. 3
134. članak / article Tourism and welfare: ethics, responsability and sustained well-being ...
Tourism and welfare: ethics, responsability and sustained well-being / Chris Ryan. - 2008. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 35 (2008), No. 1
135. članak / article Tourism and welfare: ethics, responsibility and sustained well-being ...
Tourism and welfare: ethics, responsibility and sustained well-being / Sebastian Filep. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 13 (2008), No. 5-6
136. članak / article Tourism development ethics in the Third World ...
Lea, John P.. Tourism development ethics in the Third World / John P. Lea. - 1993. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 20 (1993), No. 4
137. članak / article Tourism ethics ...
Tourism ethics / Peter A. Mason. - 2006. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 33 (2006), No. 4
138. članak / article Tourism, animals and utilitarianism ...
Fennell, David A.. Tourism, animals and utilitarianism / David A. Fennell. - 2012. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 37 (2012), No. 3
139. članak / article Tourism, CPRs and environmental ethics ...
Holden, Andrew. Tourism, CPRs and environmental ethics / Andrew Holden. - 2005. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 32 (2005), No. 3
140. članak / article Tourism, gender and the labour process: the case of Quebec's Lower North Shore ...
Hull, John. Tourism, gender and the labour process: the case of Quebec's Lower North Shore / John Hull, Simon Milne. - 1998. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 23 (1998), No. 2
141. članak / article Tourists' attitudes toward the use of animals in tourist attractions ...
Shani, Amir. Tourists' attitudes toward the use of animals in tourist attractions / Amir Shani, Abraham Pizam. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 14 (2009), No. 1
142. članak / article Towards a conceptualization of unethical marketing practices in tourism: a case-study of Australia's inbound Chinese travel market ...
March, Roger. Towards a conceptualization of unethical marketing practices in tourism: a case-study of Australia's inbound Chinese travel market / Robert March. - 2008. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 24 (2008), No. 4
143. članak / article Towards a utilitarian ethic for marine wildlife tourism ...
Dobson, John. Towards a utilitarian ethic for marine wildlife tourism / John Dobson. - 2011. // Tourism in marine environments. Vol. 7 (2011), No. 3-4
144. članak / article Towards an ethics of responsibility in tourism education ...
Cohen, Erik. Towards an ethics of responsibility in tourism education / Erik Cohen. - 2010. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 35 (2010), No. 3
145. članak / article Towards an ethics platform for tourism ...
Macbeth, Jim. Towards an ethics platform for tourism / Jim Macbeth. - 2005. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 32 (2005), No. 4
146. članak / article Turizam, identitet i globalizacija: kako opstati na konceptu "domaćinskoga" turizma u Hrvatskoj ...
Vlahović, Darko. Turizam, identitet i globalizacija: kako opstati na konceptu "domaćinskoga" turizma u Hrvatskoj / Darko Vlahović. - 2006. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 54 (2006), br. 3
147. članak / article Upravljanje prihodima hotela - kritički pregled literature ...
Ivanov, Stanislav. Upravljanje prihodima hotela - kritički pregled literature / Stanislav Ivanov, Vladimir Zhechevs. - 2012. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 60 (2012), br. 2
148. članak / article Utilizing utilitarianism: animal rights in tourism ...
Chandra, Rakesh. Utilizing utilitarianism: animal rights in tourism / Rakesh Chandra. - 2013. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 38 (2013), No. 2
149. članak / article Utjecaj kolektivnog moralnog rasuđivanja na promjenu etičke kulture u turizmu: slučaj Slovenije ...
Šalamon, Tanja. Utjecaj kolektivnog moralnog rasuđivanja na promjenu etičke kulture u turizmu: slučaj Slovenije / Tanja Šalamon, Marko Koščak, Borut Vojinović. - 2016. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 64 (2016), br. 2
150. knjiga / book Utjecaj Svjetske turističke organizacije na razvoj turizma u svijetu : završni rad ...
Utjecaj Svjetske turističke organizacije na razvoj turizma u svijetu : završni rad / Ksenija Kovačević. - Zagreb, 2008
151. članak / article Visual rhetoric and ethics in marketing of destinations ...
Campelo, Adriana. Visual rhetoric and ethics in marketing of destinations / Adriana Campelo, Robert Aitken, Juergen Gnoth. - 2011. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 50 (2011), No. 1
152. članak / article Wanted: tourists with a social conscience ...
D'Sa, Eddie. Wanted: tourists with a social conscience / Eddie D'Sa. - 1999. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 11 (1999), No. 2-3
153. članak / article Wirtschafts- und unternehmensethische Aspekte der Tourismuswirtschaft ...
Behrens, Christian-Uwe. Wirtschafts- und unternehmensethische Aspekte der Tourismuswirtschaft / Christian-Uwe Behrens. - 1999. // Tourismus Jahrbuch : Forum für Wissenschaft und Praxis. Jahrgang 3 (1999), Heft 2
154. članak / article Workstress response perceptions among potential employees : the influence of ethics and trust ...
Ross, Glenn F.. Workstress response perceptions among potential employees : the influence of ethics and trust / Glenn F. Ross. - 2003. // Tourism review = Revue de tourisme = Zeitschrift für Fremdenverkehr. Vol. 58 (2003), No. 1
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