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1. članak / article A critical evaluation of importance-performance analysis ...
Azzopardi, Ernest. A critical evaluation of importance-performance analysis / Ernest Azzopardi, Robert Nash. - 2013. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 35 (2013)
2. članak / article A dynamic perspective of meeting planners' satisfaction: toward conceptualization of critical relevancy ...
Oh, Haemoon. A dynamic perspective of meeting planners' satisfaction: toward conceptualization of critical relevancy / Haemoon Oh, Hyeon-Cheol Kim, Kyung-Wan Hong. - 2009. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 30 (2009), No. 4
3. članak / article A framework for the evaluation of hotel websites: the case of Greece ...
Zafiropoulos, Costas. A framework for the evaluation of hotel websites: the case of Greece / Costas Zafiropoulos, Vasiliki Vrana. - 2006. // Information technology & tourism : applications, methodologies, techniques OTPIS 2019. Vol. 8 (2006), No. 3-4
4. članak / article A qualitative study of HRM and performance in the Barbados hotel industry ...
Alleyne, Philmore. A qualitative study of HRM and performance in the Barbados hotel industry / Philmore Alleyne, Liz Doherty, Michael Howard. - 2005. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 4 (2005), No. 2
5. članak / article A study on inbound tourists' evaluations of Chinese traditional cultural performances as tourism products - the case of the Zen Music Shaolin Grand Ceremony ...
Qiao, Guanghui. A study on inbound tourists' evaluations of Chinese traditional cultural performances as tourism products - the case of the Zen Music Shaolin Grand Ceremony / Guanghui Qiao, Nan Chen, Seok-Chool Kim. - 2009. // Journal of China tourism research. Vol. 5 (2009), No. 4
6. članak / article A three-sector comparison of the business performance of small tourism enterprises: an exploratory study ...
Reichel, Arie. A three-sector comparison of the business performance of small tourism enterprises: an exploratory study / Arie Reichel, Sigal Haber. - 2005. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 26 (2005), No. 5
7. članak / article An analysis of industry forces, strategic implementation, and performance: evidence from state-owned hotels in China ...
Law, Vincent T.. An analysis of industry forces, strategic implementation, and performance: evidence from state-owned hotels in China / Vincent T. Law, Pimtong Tavitiyaman, Hanqin Qiu Zhang. - 2015. // Journal of China tourism research. Vol. 11 (2015), No. 1-2-3-4
8. članak / article An investigation of market orientation (MO) and tourism small and medium-sized enterprises' (SMEs) perfomarnce in developing countries: a review of the literature ...
Mohsin Ali Shah, Syed. An investigation of market orientation (MO) and tourism small and medium-sized enterprises' (SMEs) perfomarnce in developing countries: a review of the literature / Syed Mohsin Ali Shah, Hatel El-Gohary, Javed Ghulam Hussain. - 2015. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 32 (2015), No. 7-8
9. članak / article An investigation of the level of managers' satisfaction with their sales forecasting process in the restaurant industry ...
Green, Yvette N. J.. An investigation of the level of managers' satisfaction with their sales forecasting process in the restaurant industry / Yvette N. J. Green, Pamela A. Weaver. - 2006. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 7 (2006), No. 4
10. članak / article Benchmarking and quantitative evaluation of the functionality performance of hotel websites: a study of the Hong Kong special administrative region of China ...
Law, Robert. Benchmarking and quantitative evaluation of the functionality performance of hotel websites: a study of the Hong Kong special administrative region of China / Robert Law, Catherine Cheung. - 2005. // China tourism research. Vol. 1 (2005), No. 1
11. članak / article Benchmarking the benchmarks ...
Pyo, Sungsoo. Benchmarking the benchmarks / Sungsoo Pyo. - 2001. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 2 (2001), No. 3-4
12. članak / article Benchmarking, usable knowldege and tourist attractions ...
Pearce, Philip. Benchmarking, usable knowldege and tourist attractions / Philip Pearce, Pierre Benckendorff. - 2006. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 7 (2006), No. 1-2
13. članak / article Brand quality and internationality: Branded global chain hotels ...
Vrkljan, Sanela. Brand quality and internationality: Branded global chain hotels / Sanela Vrkljan, Mato Bartoluci, Sanja Čižmar. - 2017. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 65 (2017), No. 4
14. članak / article Calidad del servicio en las líneas aéreas de la Patagonia Argentina : una propuesta para su medición ...
Zanfardini, Marina. Calidad del servicio en las líneas aéreas de la Patagonia Argentina : una propuesta para su medición / Marina Zanfardini. - 2001. // Estudios y perspectivas en turismo. Vol. 10 (2001), No. 3-4
15. članak / article Coconstructing heritage at the Gettysburg storyscape ...
Chronis, Athinodoros. Coconstructing heritage at the Gettysburg storyscape / Athinodoros Chronis. - 2005. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 32 (2005), No. 2
16. članak / article Community case study research: researcher operacy, embeddedness, and making research matter ...
Dredge, Dianne. Community case study research: researcher operacy, embeddedness, and making research matter / Dianne Dredge, Rob Hales, Tazim Jamal. - 2013. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 18 (2013), No. 1
17. članak / article Consortium affiliation and travel agency performance : evidence of strenght in numbers ...
Bronson, James W.. Consortium affiliation and travel agency performance : evidence of strenght in numbers / James W. Bronson, Joann L. Krauss, William L. Dougan. - 2001. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 11 (2001), No. 1
18. članak / article Co-performing tourism places: the "Pink Night" festival ...
Giovanardi, Massimo. Co-performing tourism places: the "Pink Night" festival / Massimo Giovanardi, Andrea Lucarelli, Patrick L'Espoir Decosta. - 2014. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 44 (2014)
19. članak / article Corporate social responsibility : worth-creating activities ...
Nicolau, Juan L.. Corporate social responsibility : worth-creating activities / Huan L. Nicolau. - 2008. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 35 (2008), No. 4
20. članak / article Cross-efficiency evaluation of Taiwan's international tourist hotels under competitive and cooperative relationships ...
Tsai, Henry. Cross-efficiency evaluation of Taiwan's international tourist hotels under competitive and cooperative relationships / Henry Tsai, Jie Wu, Jiasen Sun. - 2013. // Journal of China tourism research. Vol. 9 (2013), No. 1-2-3-4
21. članak / article Customer orientation or competitor orientation : which marketing strategy has a higher payoff for hotel brands? ...
Customer orientation or competitor orientation : which marketing strategy has a higher payoff for hotel brands? / Chekitan Dev ... [et al.]. - 2009. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 50 (2009), No. 1
22. članak / article Determinants of tourism success for DMOs & destinations: an empirical examination of stakeholders' perspectives ...
Bornhorst, Tom. Determinants of tourism success for DMOs & destinations: an empirical examination of stakeholders' perspectives / Tom Bornhorst, J. R. Brent Ritchie, Lorn Sheehan. - 2010. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 31 (2010), No. 5
23. članak / article Direct, moderating and mediating effects of market orientation on the performance of airports in Europe's peripheral areas ...
Halpern, Nigel. Direct, moderating and mediating effects of market orientation on the performance of airports in Europe's peripheral areas / Nigel Halpern, Romano Pagliari. - 2008. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 24 (2008), No. 1
24. članak / article Does fun Pay? The impact of workplace fun on employee turnover and performance ...
Tews, Michael J.. Does fun Pay? The impact of workplace fun on employee turnover and performance / Michael J. Tews, John W. Michel, Kathryn Stafford. - 2013. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 54 (2013), No. 4
25. članak / article Does tourism destination competitiveness lead to performance? A case of ASEAN region ...
Hanafiah, Mohd Hafiz. Does tourism destination competitiveness lead to performance? A case of ASEAN region / Mohd Hafiz Hanafiah, Mohamad Abdullah Hemdi, Ismail Ahmad. - 2016. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 64 (2016), No. 3
26. članak / article Drivers of hotel departments' performance: evidence from Australia ...
Patiar, Anoop. Drivers of hotel departments' performance: evidence from Australia / Anoop Patiar, Lokman Mia. - 2015. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 14 (2015), No. 3
27. članak / article Dynamic capabilities driving an eco-based advantage and performance in global hotel chains: The moderating effect of international strategy ...
Dynamic capabilities driving an eco-based advantage and performance in global hotel chains: The moderating effect of international strategy / Leonidas C. Leonidou ... [et al.]. - 2015. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 50 (2015)
28. članak / article Effectiveness and efficiency of managers: are they doing what they can or all they can? ...
Israeli, Aviad A.. Effectiveness and efficiency of managers: are they doing what they can or all they can? / Aviad A. Israeli. - 2007. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 13 (2007), No. 2
29. članak / article Examining the motivation, perceived performance, and behavioral intentions of convention attendees: evidence from a regional conference ...
Examining the motivation, perceived performance, and behavioral intentions of convention attendees: evidence from a regional conference / Denver Severt ... [et al.]. - 2007. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 28 (2007), No. 2
30. članak / article Examining the role of entrepreneurial experience and entrepreneurial self-efficacy on SMTE performance ...
Hallak, Rob. Examining the role of entrepreneurial experience and entrepreneurial self-efficacy on SMTE performance / Rob Hallak, Noel J. Lindsay, Graham Brown. - 2011. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 16 (2011), No. 5
31. članak / article French destination efficiency: a mean-variance approach ...
Botti, Laurent. French destination efficiency: a mean-variance approach / Laurent Botti, Olga Goncalves, Hermann Ratsimbanierana. - 2012. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 51 (2012), No. 2
32. članak / article Got support? The impact of supportive work practices on the perceptions, motivation, and behavior of cistomer-contact employees ...
Michel, John W.. Got support? The impact of supportive work practices on the perceptions, motivation, and behavior of cistomer-contact employees / John W. Michel, Michael J. Kavanagh, J. Bruce Tracey. - 2013. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 54 (2013), No. 2
33. članak / article Internal marketing factors and the performance of travel agencies ...
Avelini Holjevac, Ivanka. Internal marketing factors and the performance of travel agencies / Ivanka Avelini Holjevac, Lorena Basan. - 2009. // Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 15 (2009), No. 1
34. članak / article Locus of control and its role in determining student performance in food service management ...
Beldona, Srikanth. Locus of control and its role in determining student performance in food service management / Srikanth Beldona, Joseph A. Ismail. - 2002. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 1 (2002), No. 2
35. članak / article Managerial attitudes towards work activities in the hospitality and service industries ...
Waryszak, Robert. Managerial attitudes towards work activities in the hospitality and service industries / Robert Waryszak, Brian King. - 2001. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 13 (2001), No. 4-5
36. članak / article Market orientation, strategy and revenue growth in the Turkish hotel industry ...
Ali Koseoglu, Mehmet. Market orientation, strategy and revenue growth in the Turkish hotel industry / Mehmet Ali Koseoglu, John A. Parnell, James D. Doyle. - 2015. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 32 (2015), No. 7-8
37. članak / article Marketing decisions, customer reviews, and business performance: the use of the toprural website by Spanish rural lodging ...
Nieto, Jannine. Marketing decisions, customer reviews, and business performance: the use of the toprural website by Spanish rural lodging / Jannine Nieto, Rosa M. Hernandez-Maestro, Pablo A. Munoz-Gallego. - 2014. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 45 (2014)
38. članak / article Mobilising identity and culture in experience co-creation and vanue operation ...
Lugosi, Peter. Mobilising identity and culture in experience co-creation and vanue operation / Peter Lugosi. - 2014. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 40 (2014)
39. članak / article Moderating effects of travel purpose and past experience on the relationship between product performance and lodging repurchase ...
Oh, Haemoon. Moderating effects of travel purpose and past experience on the relationship between product performance and lodging repurchase / Haemoon Oh, Miyoung Jeong. - 2004. // Journal of hospitality & leisure marketing : the international forum for research, theory & practice. Vol. 11 (2004), No. 2-3
40. članak / article Network resources ans social capital in airline alliance portfolios ...
Casanueva, Cristobal. Network resources ans social capital in airline alliance portfolios / Cristobal Casanueva, Angeles Gallego, Maria Sancho. - 2013. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 36 (2013)
41. članak / article Pages as stages: a performance approach to visitor books ...
Noy, Chaim. Pages as stages: a performance approach to visitor books / Chaim Noy. - 2008. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 35 (2008), No. 2
42. članak / article Peer assessment in hospitality education : impacts of group size of performance and rating ...
Knowd, Ian. Peer assessment in hospitality education : impacts of group size of performance and rating / Ian Knowd, Pheroza Daruwalla. - 2003. // Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 3 (2003), No. 1
43. članak / article Perceptions of transformational leadership behaviors and subordinates' performance in hotels ...
Brown, Eric A.. Perceptions of transformational leadership behaviors and subordinates' performance in hotels / Eric A. Brown, Susan W. Arendt. - 2011. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 10 (2011), No. 1
44. članak / article Performance measurement systems in tourism, hospitality, and leisure small medium-sized enterprises: a balanced scorecard perspective ...
Phillips, Paul. Performance measurement systems in tourism, hospitality, and leisure small medium-sized enterprises: a balanced scorecard perspective / Paul Phillips, Panos Louvieris. - 2005. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 44 (2005/06), No. 2
45. knjiga / book Performance of financial institutions : efficienc, innovation, regulation ...
Performance of financial institutions : efficienc, innovation, regulation / edited by Patrick T. Harker, Stavros A. Zenios. - Cambridge, 2000
46. članak / article Performance, agency and change in surfing tourist space ...
Ponting, Jess. Performance, agency and change in surfing tourist space / Jess Ponting, Marrhew G. McDonald. - 2013. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 43 (2013)
47. članak / article Performing culture at indigenous culture parks in Taiwan: using Q method to identify the performers' subjectivities ...
Hunter, William Cannon. Performing culture at indigenous culture parks in Taiwan: using Q method to identify the performers' subjectivities / William Cannon Hunter. - 2014. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 42 (2014)
48. članak / article Performing tourism : Venetian residents in focus ...
Quinn, Bernadette. Performing tourism : Venetian residents in focus / Bernadette Quinn. - 2007. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 34 (2007), No. 2
49. članak / article Price determinants of individual hotels: evidence from Milan ...
Sainaghi, Ruggero. Price determinants of individual hotels: evidence from Milan / Ruggero Sainaghi. - 2011. // Tourism review = Revue de tourisme = Zeitschrift für Fremdenverkehr. Vol. 66 (2011), No. 4
50. članak / article Promoting hotel service quality through managing reservationist call.handling performance ...
Wan, Penny Yim King. Promoting hotel service quality through managing reservationist call.handling performance / Yim King Penny Wan. - 2010. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 11 (2010), No. 3
51. članak / article Quality certification, performance and size in hotel chains ...
Pereira-Moliner, Jorge. Quality certification, performance and size in hotel chains / Jorge Pereira-Moliner, Juan Jose Tari. - 2015. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 21 (2015), No. 2
52. članak / article Quality market orientation : tourism agencies' perceived effects ...
Quality market orientation : tourism agencies' perceived effects / J. Enrique Bigné... [et al.]. - 2005. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 32 (2005), No. 4
53. članak / article Reevaluation of Taiwanese tour leaders' licence practicality and continuation ...
Chang, Jui Chi. Reevaluation of Taiwanese tour leaders' licence practicality and continuation / Jui-Chi Chang, Chao-Yun Tang. - 2011. // Journal of China tourism research. Vol. 7 (2011), No. 3
54. članak / article Rethinking the consumption of places ...
Rakic, Tijana. Rethinking the consumption of places / Tijana Rakić, Donna Chambers. - 2012. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 39 (2012), No. 3
55. članak / article Revisiting importance-performance analysis ...
Oh, Haemoon. Revisiting importance-performance analysis / Haemoon Oh. - 2001. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 22 (2001), No. 6
56. članak / article Spectacular tradition : Scottish folksong and authenticity ...
Knox, Dan. Spectacular tradition : Scottish folksong and authenticity / Dan Knox. - 2008. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 35 (2008), No. 1
57. članak / article Strategic groups in the hospitality industry: intergroup and intragroup performance differences in Alicante, Spain ...
Claver-Cortes, Enrique. Strategic groups in the hospitality industry: intergroup and intragroup performance differences in Alicante, Spain / Enrique Claver-Cortes, Jose F. Molina-Azorin, Jorge Pereira-Moliner. - 2006. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 27 (2006), No. 6
58. članak / article Strategy and performance in the Spanish hotel industry ...
Pereira-Moliner, Jorge. Strategy and performance in the Spanish hotel industry / Jorge Pereira-Moliner, Enrique Claver-Cortes, Jose F. Molina-Azorin. - 2010. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 51 (2010), No. 4
59. članak / article Television, tourism, and rural life ...
Mordue, Tom. Television, tourism, and rural life / Tom Mordue. - 2009. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 47 (2008/09), No. 3
60. članak / article The assessment of competitiveness: the case of three Alpine winter sports destinations ...
Hallmann, Kirstin. The assessment of competitiveness: the case of three Alpine winter sports destinations / Kirstin Hallmann, Sabine Mueller, Mike Peters. - 2015. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 20 (2015), No. 6
61. članak / article The effects of selected individual characteristics on frontiline employee performance and job satisfaction ...
The effects of selected individual characteristics on frontiline employee performance and job satisfaction / Osman M. Karatepe... [et al.]. - 2006. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 27 (2006), No. 4
62. članak / article The managerial gaze: the long tail of tourism education and research ...
The managerial gaze: the long tail of tourism education and research / David Airey ... [et al.]. - 2015. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 54 (2015), No. 2
63. članak / article The moderating effect of leader-member exchange in the relationship between self-efficacy and performance ...
Reynolds, Dennis. The moderating effect of leader-member exchange in the relationship between self-efficacy and performance / Dennis Reynolds. - 2002. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 1 (2002), No. 3
64. članak / article The photographed other: interplays of agency in tourist photography in photography in Cusco, Peru ...
Scarles, Caroline. The photographed other: interplays of agency in tourist photography in photography in Cusco, Peru / Caroline Scarles. - 2012. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 39 (2012), No. 2
65. članak / article Tourism, performance and social exclusion in ''olde York'' ...
Mordue, Tom. Tourism, performance and social exclusion in ''olde York'' / Tom Mordue. - 2005. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 32 (2005), No. 1
66. članak / article Using HOLSAT to evaluate tourist satisfaction at destinations: the case of Australian holidaymakers in Vietnam ...
Truong, Thuy-Huong. Using HOLSAT to evaluate tourist satisfaction at destinations: the case of Australian holidaymakers in Vietnam / Thuy-Huong Truong, David Foster. - 2006. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 27 (2006), No. 5
67. članak / article Workplace deviant behavior and its demographic relationship among Taiwan's flight attendants ...
Hsieh, An-Tien. Workplace deviant behavior and its demographic relationship among Taiwan's flight attendants / An-Tien Hsieh, Su-Chiun Liang, Ting-Hua Hsieh. - 2003. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 3 (2004), No. 1
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