Kim, Insin
      The role of effective service provider communication style in the formation of restaurant patrons' perceived relational benefits and loyalty / Insin Kim, Sang Mi Jeon, Sunghyup Sean Hyun.

KST: 224; KST: 2413; KST: 133-4; KST: 133-5
* ugostiteljstvo - izvansmještajni kapaciteti * management ugostiteljskog poduzeća * zaposlenici u ugostiteljstvu * posebna pitanja
* znanstveni članak
* communication style * rapport * relational benefits * relationship quality * loyalty * luxury restaurant

* catering - nonaccommodation facilities * management of catering enterprise * employees in catering industry * special issues

1. Jeon, Sang-Mi
2. Hyun, Sunghyup Sean

U: Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 28 (2011), No. 7. - 765-786.
Vol. 28 (2011), No. 7