Kim, Sang Hyuck
      Re-examining the determinants of executive compensation in the restaurant industry: a quantile regression approach / Sang Hyuck Kim, Woo Gon Kim.

KST: 224; KST: 712; KST: 2413
* ugostiteljstvo - izvansmještajni kapaciteti * turistička statistika - teorija i metodološki problemi * management ugostiteljskog poduzeća
* znanstveni članak
* quantile regression * restaurant industry * pay-for-performance * managerial power approach

* catering - nonaccommodation facilities * tourism statistics - theory and methodological problems * management of catering enterprise

1. Kim, Woo Gon

U: Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 17 (2011), No. 5. - 1035-1054.
Vol. 17 (2011), No. 5