Traženo po: Lin, Yu-Chen
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zapisa / records: 37412 pogodaka / hits: (2 ) 2
1. članak / article How does advertising affect the price elasticity of lodging demand? Evidence from Taiwan ...
Chen, Chiang-Ming. How does advertising affect the price elasticity of lodging demand? Evidence from Taiwan / Chang-Ming Chen, Yu-Chen Lin, Yi-Chun Sai. - 2015. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 21 (2015), No. 5
2. članak / article Service quality and market structure in the international tourist hotel industry : research note ...
Lin, Yu-Chen. Service quality and market structure in the international tourist hotel industry : research note / Yu-Chen Lin, Chiang-Ming Chen. - 2014. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 20 (2014), No. 3
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