Traženo po: Barrows, Clayton W.
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zapisa / records: 37444 pogodaka / hits: (9 ) 9
1. članak / article A model for teaching service management in hospitality ...
Barrows, Clayton W.. A model for teaching service management in hospitality / Clayton W. Barrows, J.S. Perry Hobson. - 1993. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 5 (1993), No. 3
2. članak / article AIDS in the US hospitality industry: recommendations for education and policy formulations ...
Barrows, Clayton W.. AIDS in the US hospitality industry: recommendations for education and policy formulations / Clayton W. Barrows, Mike Gallo, Tomas Mulleady. - 1996. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 8 (1996), No. 1
3. članak / article An exploratory study of food and beverage training in private clubs ...
Barrows, Clayton W.. An exploratory study of food and beverage training in private clubs / Clayton E. Barrows. - 2000. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 12 (2000), No. 3
4. članak / article An exploratory study of outsourcing of foodservice operations in Canadian hotels ...
Barrows, Clayton W.. An exploratory study of outsourcing of foodservice operations in Canadian hotels / Clayton W. Barrows, Elias Giannakopoulos. - 2006. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 54 (2006), No. 4
5. članak / article Another decade of research in club management: a review of the literature in academic journals for the period 1994-2005 ...
Barrows, Clayton W.. Another decade of research in club management: a review of the literature in academic journals for the period 1994-2005 / Clayton Barrows, Mike Ridout. - 2010. // Journal of hospitality marketing & management. Vol. 19 (2010), No. 5
6. članak / article Hospitality management education ...
Hospitality management education / Chaudhary Manjula. - 2003. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 28 (2003), No. 1
7. članak / article Istraživanje eksternalizacije pripreme hrane u kanadskim hotelima ...
Barrows, Clayton W.. Istraživanje eksternalizacije pripreme hrane u kanadskim hotelima / Clayton W. Barrows, Elias Giannakopoulos. - 2006. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 54 (2006), br. 4
8. članak / article The role of training in achieving TQM in restaurants ...
Salameh, Maya. The role of training in achieving TQM in restaurants / Maya Salameh, Clayton W. Barrows. - 2000. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 1 (2000), No. 4
9. serijska publikacija / serial Vol. 7 (2006), No. 2-3 ...
International journal of hospitality and tourism administration. Vol. 7 (2006), No. 2-3
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