Traženo po: market structure
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zapisa / records: 37412 pogodaka / hits: (10 ) 10
1. Akcijski plan razvoja turizma Slavonskog Broda ...
Akcijski plan razvoja turizma Slavonskog Broda / autori: Ivo Kunst, Renata Tomljenović. - Zagreb, 2011/IX.
2. Analiza stanja i potreba izgradnje receptivnih kapaciteta u Zagrebu ...
Analiza stanja i potreba izgradnje receptivnih kapaciteta u Zagrebu. - Zagreb, 1978/04
3. članak / article Determinants of firm survival in the Austrian accommodation sector ...
Kaniovski, Serguei. Determinants of firm survival in the Austrian accommodation sector / Serguei Kaniovski, Michael Peneder, Egon Smeral. - 2008. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 14 (2008), No. 3
4. članak / article Exploring the evolution of tourism resorts ...
Papatheodorou, Andreas. Exploring the evolution of tourism resorts / Andreas Papatheodorou. - 2004. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 31 (2004), No. 1
5. članak / article How ICT shifts the power balance of tourism distribution channels ...
Berne, Carmen. How ICT shifts the power balance of tourism distribution channels / Carmen Berne, Margarita Garcia-Gonzalez, Jose Mugica. - 2012. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 33 (2012), No. 1
6. članak / article Loyalty regardless of brands? examining three nonperformance effects on brand loyalty in a tourism context ...
Li, Xiang (Robert). Loyalty regardless of brands? examining three nonperformance effects on brand loyalty in a tourism context / Xiang (Robert) Li. - 2010. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 49 (2010/11), No. 3
7. Osnove društvenog plana dugoročnog razvitka ugostiteljstva i turizma grada Zagreba do 2000. godine : skraćeni prikaz ...
Osnove društvenog plana dugoročnog razvitka ugostiteljstva i turizma grada Zagreba do 2000. godine : skraćeni prikaz / Ante Radnić ... [et al.]. - Zagreb, 1981/11
8. članak / article Service quality and market structure in the international tourist hotel industry : research note ...
Lin, Yu-Chen. Service quality and market structure in the international tourist hotel industry : research note / Yu-Chen Lin, Chiang-Ming Chen. - 2014. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 20 (2014), No. 3
9. Tržišne mogućnosti razvoja ugostiteljstva Zagreba za razdoblje 1981 - 1985. godine ...
Tržišne mogućnosti razvoja ugostiteljstva Zagreba za razdoblje 1981 - 1985. godine / Ivica Franjević, Miroslav Dragičević. - Zagreb, 1979/10
10. Turistički master plan za grad Slavonski Brod ...
Turistički master plan za grad Slavonski Brod / autori: Ivo Kunst, Renata Tomljenović ; voditelj projekta: Renata tomljenović. - Zagreb, 2010/IX
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