Yang, Chiao-Ling
      Eat to live or live to eat? Mapping food and eating perception of Malaysian Chinese / Chiao Ling Yang, Catheryn Khoo-Lattimore, Mun Yee Lai.

KST: 221-2-1; KST: 422; KST: 1044
* gastronomija, dijeta, nutricionizam * psihologija turizma * Jugoistoèna Azija i Pacifik
* znanstveni èlanak
* food and eating perception * Malaysian Chinese * ZMET * qualitative marketing

* gastronomy, diet, nutrition science * psychology of tourism * South-East Asia and the Pacific

1. Khoo-Lattimore, Catheryn
2. Lai, Mun Yee

U: Journal of hospitality marketing & management. Vol. 23 (2014), No. 5-6. - 579-600.
Vol. 23 (2014), No. 5-6