Lee, Kuan-Huei
      Habitus and food lifestyle: in-destination activity participation of Slow Food members / Kuan-Huei Lee, Noel Scott, Jan Packer. - 2014.

KST: 221-2-1; KST: 332; KST: 1053; KST: 106; KST: 1023IT
* gastronomija, dijeta, nutricionizam * turistička destinacija * Južna Amerika * Australija i Oceanija * Italija
* znanstveni članak
* destination activity * habitus * lifestyle * slow food * travel motivation

* gastronomy, diet, nutrition science * tourist resorts * South America * Australia and Oceania * Italy

1. Scott, Noel
2. Packer, Jan

U: Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 48 (2014). - 207-220.
Vol.  48 (2014)