Yan, Libo
      Tourism history research: a glimpse into the English and Chinese literature / Libo Yan, Bob McKercher.

KST: 12; KST: 712; KST: 1043; KST: 1024
* istraživanja u turizmu * turistička statistika - teorija i metodološki problemi * Sjeveroistočna Azija * Zapadna Europa
* znanstveni članak
* tourism history * themes * source materials * methods

* research in tourism * tourism statistics - theory and methodological problems * North-East Asia * Western Europe

1. McKercher, Bob

U: Journal of China tourism research. Vol. 9 (2013), No. 1-2-3-4. - 151-162.
Vol.   9 (2013), No. 1-2-3-4