Traženo po: tourist resources
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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (110 ) 110
1. članak / article 'Just because it's gone doesn't mean it isn't there anymore': planning for attraction residuality ...
Weaver, David Bruce. 'Just because it's gone doesn't mean it isn't there anymore': planning for attraction residuality / David Bruce Weaver, Laura Jane Lawton. - 2007. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 28 (2007), No. 1
2. knjiga / book 2050 - tomorrow's tourism ...
2050 - tomorrow's tourism / Ian Yeoman ; with Tan Li Yu Rebecca, Michelle Mars and Mariska Wouters. - Bristol ; Buffalo ; Toronto, 2012
3. članak / article A dynamic analysis of tourism determinants in Sicily ...
Provenzano, Davide. A dynamic analysis of tourism determinants in Sicily / Davide Provenzano. - 2015. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 21 (2015), No. 3
4. članak / article A map of international tourist attractions in Central and Southeastern Europe with reference to Croatia ...
Jordan, Peter. A map of international tourist attractions in Central and Southeastern Europe with reference to Croatia / Peter Jordan. - 1996. // Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 2 (1996), No. 1
5. članak / article A regional analysis of South Carolina tourism ...
Lovingood, Paul E. Jr.. A regional analysis of South Carolina tourism / Paul E. Lovingood, Jr., Lisle E. Mitchell. - 1989. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 16 (1989), No. 3
6. članak / article Analiza posebnosti i percepcije ruralnog turizma Istre ...
Ružić, Pavlo. Analiza posebnosti i percepcije ruralnog turizma Istre / Pavlo Ružić. - 2012. // Ekonomska misao i praksa : časopis Fakulteta za turizam i vanjsku trgovinu Dubrovnik OTPIS 2019, 2021, 2022. God. 21 (2012), br. 1
7. Analiza stanja turizma na području koprivničke Podravine / autori: Ivan Kožić, Damir Krešić, Izidora Marković ...
Analiza stanja turizma na području koprivničke Podravine / autori: Ivan Kožić, Damir Krešić, Izidora Marković. - Zagreb, 2016/I
8. članak / article Application of travel cost model to measure economic value of recreation and tourism resources ...
Cho, Kwang-Ick. Application of travel cost model to measure economic value of recreation and tourism resources / Kwang-Ick Cho, Injae Lee, Turgut Var. - 2001. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 6 (2001), No. 1
9. članak / article Benchmarking, usable knowldege and tourist attractions ...
Pearce, Philip. Benchmarking, usable knowldege and tourist attractions / Philip Pearce, Pierre Benckendorff. - 2006. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 7 (2006), No. 1-2
10. članak / article Benchmarking: destination attractiveness and small hospitality business performance ...
Kozak, Metin. Benchmarking: destination attractiveness and small hospitality business performance / Metin Kozak, Mike Rimmington. - 1998. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 10 (1998), No. 5
11. članak / article Book review : Garden tourism ...
Connell, Joanne. Book review : Garden tourism / R. W. Benfield. - 2015. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 50 (2015)
12. članak / article Collecting places: geodetic lines in tourist space ...
Timothy, Dallen J.. Collecting places: geodetic lines in tourist space / Dallen J. Timothy. - 1998. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 7 (1998), No. 4
13. knjiga / book Colourful kerchief of Croatia : a book about Zagreb County ...
Colourful kerchief of Croatia : a book about Zagreb County / concept creator/editor Milan Sivački. - Zagreb, 2010
14. članak / article Competitive potential of tourism in destinations ...
Melián-González, Arturo. Competitive potential of tourism in destinations / Arturo Melián-González, Juan Manuel García-Falcón. - 2003. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 30 (2003), No. 3
15. članak / article Cultural heritage in libraries as a resource for the development of tourism: the case of Eastern Croatia ...
Tokić, Ksenija. Cultural heritage in libraries as a resource for the development of tourism: the case of Eastern Croatia / Ksenija Tokić, Ivo Tokić. - 2017. // 6. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij Gospodarstvo istočne Hrvatske - vizija i razvoj = 7th international scientific symposium Economy of Eastern Croatia - vision and growth / urednici Anka Mašek Tonković, Boris Crnković
16. knjiga / book Das bayerische-österreichische Donauengtal ...
Das bayerische-österreichische Donauengtal / konzeption: Costanze Mueller. - Fürstenzell, 2011
17. članak / article Destination attractiveness based on supply and demand evaluations: an analytical framework ...
Formica, Sandro. Destination attractiveness based on supply and demand evaluations: an analytical framework / Sandro Formica, Muzaffer Uysal. - 2005. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 44 (2005/06), No. 4
18. članak / article Development of tourism destinations : an integrated multilevel perspective ...
Development of tourism destinations : an integrated multilevel perspective / Sven A. Haugland ... [et al.]. - 2011. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 38 (2011), No. 1
19. knjiga / book Dobrović in Dubrovnik : a venture in modern architecture ...
Dobrović in Dubrovnik : a venture in modern architecture / authors: Krunoslav Ivanišin, Wolfgang Thaler, Ljiljana Blagojević. - Berlin, 2015
20. članak / article Effective promotions for membership subscriptions and renewals to tourist attractions: Discount vs. bonus ...
Byun, Jaemun. Effective promotions for membership subscriptions and renewals to tourist attractions: Discount vs. bonus / Jaemun Byun, SooCheong (Shawn) Jang. - 2015. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 50 (2015)
21. članak / article Environment as a criterion for choosing a holiday destination : arguments and findings ...
Mustonen, Pekka. Environment as a criterion for choosing a holiday destination : arguments and findings / Pekka Mustonen. - 2003. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 28 (2003), No. 1
22. članak / article Evaluating tourist attractionjs: the case of Luang Prabang, Laos ...
Pritchard, Adrian R.. Evaluating tourist attractionjs: the case of Luang Prabang, Laos / Adrian R. Pritchard, Timothy Jeonglyeol Lee. - 2011. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 16 (2011), No. 3
23. članak / article Evaluation of tourist attractions from marketing point of view ...
Kušen, Eduard. Evaluation of tourist attractions from marketing point of view / Eduard Kušen, Sanda Weber. - 2000. // Tourism and hospitality management : trends and challenges for the future : congress proceedings : 15th Biennial International Congress Hotel 2000, 25-28 October 2000, Opatija / [editor Jože Perić]
24. članak / article Evolving perspectives on tourism's interaction with nature during the last 40 years ...
Holden, Andrew. Evolving perspectives on tourism's interaction with nature during the last 40 years / Andrew Holden. - 2015. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 40 (2015), No. 2
25. knjiga / book Evropski Mediteran u svjetskom turizmu : doktorska disertacija ...
Evropski Mediteran u svjetskom turizmu : doktorska disertacija / Tomislav Hitrec. - Zagreb, 1979
26. članak / article Faktori atraktivnosti turističkih destinacija u funkciji konkurentnosti ...
Krešić, Damir. Faktori atraktivnosti turističkih destinacija u funkciji konkurentnosti = Tourism destination attractiveness factors in the function of competitiveness / Damir Krešić. - 2007. // Acta turistica OTPIS 2021, 2022. Vol. 19 (2007), No. 1
27. knjiga / book Faktori turističke ponude Bosne i Hercegovine i strategija njihove valorizacije : magistarski rad ...
Faktori turističke ponude Bosne i Hercegovine i strategija njihove valorizacije : magistarski rad / Husein Taslidžak. - Zagreb, 1986
28. knjiga / book Geografska obilježja razvoja turizma na srednjodalmatinskim otocima : doktorski rad ...
Geografska obilježja razvoja turizma na srednjodalmatinskim otocima : doktorski rad / Hrvoje Kuveždić. - Zagreb, 2011
29. knjiga / book Geografski aspekt selektivnog turizma Istarske županije : magistarski rad ...
Geografski aspekt selektivnog turizma Istarske županije : magistarski rad / Nikola Vojnović. - Zagreb, 2002
30. članak / article Geographic and seasonal variation in the concentration of travel in the United States ...
Uysal, Muzaffer. Geographic and seasonal variation in the concentration of travel in the United States / Muzaffer Uysal, Daniel R. Fesenmaier, Joseph T. O'Leary. - 1994. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 32 (1993/94), No. 3
31. knjiga / book Geotourism ...
Geotourism / edited by Ross K. Dowling, David Newsome. - Amsterdam ... [et al.], 2005
32. knjiga / book Gradovi jadranske Hrvatske : stil grada : tragovima identiteta hrvatskih gradova ...
Gradovi jadranske Hrvatske : stil grada : tragovima identiteta hrvatskih gradova / Zdenko Balog ; fotografije: Nikola Žulj. - Križevci, 2014
33. knjiga / book Gradovi kontinentalne Hrvatske : stil grada : tragovima identiteta hrvatskih gradova ...
Gradovi kontinentalne Hrvatske : stil grada : tragovima identiteta hrvatskih gradova / Zdenko Balog ; fotografije: Nikola Žulj. - Križevci, 2013
34. knjiga / book Guidelines for the use of natural resources in the building and maintenance of tourist plant : report of the Secretary - general on the General programme of work for the period 1980 - 1981 Fourth session. Rome, 14-25 September 1981. Provisional agenda item 12 ...
Guidelines for the use of natural resources in the building and maintenance of tourist plant : report of the Secretary - general on the General programme of work for the period 1980 - 1981 : Fourth session. Rome, 14-25 September 1981. Provisional agenda item 12. - Madrid, 1981. - ( ; A/4/12 Add. PG(III) B.5.2.1.)
35. knjiga / book Hrvatski maritimni turistički kapital ...
Hrvatski maritimni turistički kapital / Darko Vlahović. - Zagreb, 2012
36. članak / article Iconicity and 'flagshipness' of tourist attractions ...
Weidenfeld, Adi. Iconicity and 'flagshipness' of tourist attractions / Adi Weidenfeld. - 2010. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 37 (2010), No. 3
37. članak / article Importance of environmental resources and capabilities for firm's competitivess: the case of the hotel industry in the Canary Islands ...
Parra López, Eduardo. Importance of environmental resources and capabilities for firm's competitivess: the case of the hotel industry in the Canary Islands / Eduardo Parra López, Francisco J. García Rodriguez, Desiderio Gutiérrez Tano. - 2004. // Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol. 15 (2004), No. 2
38. članak / article Individuals' perceptions for natural resources: the case of Cretan beaches ...
Apostolakis, Alexandros. Individuals' perceptions for natural resources: the case of Cretan beaches / Alexandros Apostolakis. - 2014. // Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol. 25 (2014), No. 1
39. članak / article Inovacija u razvoju atrakcija: pouke doživljaja ...
Wanhill, Stephen. Inovacija u razvoju atrakcija: pouke doživljaja = Innovation in attraction development: lessons of experience / Stephen R. C. Wanhill. - 2009. // Acta turistica OTPIS 2021, 2022. Vol. 21 (2009), No. 1
40. knjiga / book Istraživačka studija o ekološkim, kulturnim i turističkim karakteristikama prekogranične oblasti sjeverne Crne Gore i južne Bosne i Hercegovine ...
Istraživačka studija o ekološkim, kulturnim i turističkim karakteristikama prekogranične oblasti sjeverne Crne Gore i južne Bosne i Hercegovine / koordinator studije Rade Šarović. - Nikšić, 2011
41. knjiga / book Istraživanje, preobrazba i sanacija prostora otoka Vira ...
Istraživanje, preobrazba i sanacija prostora otoka Vira = Research, transformation and reconstruction of the Island of Vir / urednik Tihomir Jukić. - Zagreb ; Vir, 2013. - (Ljetna škola i radionica ; 13)
42. knjiga / book Krajodrazi ...
Krajodrazi / urednici Marina Oreb ... [et al.]. - Dubrovnik, 2015
43. članak / article Landscapes of a new cultural economy of space ...
Landscapes of a new cultural economy of space / Marianna Sigala. - 2007. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 34 (2007), No. 3
44. članak / article Lički Osik - urbanističko-arhitektonsko naslijeđe moderne kao razvojni potencijal turizma ...
Kranjčević, Jasenka. Lički Osik - urbanističko-arhitektonsko naslijeđe moderne kao razvojni potencijal turizma / Jasenka Kranjčević, Izidora Marković, Nikša Božić. - 2016. // Sociologija i prostor : časopis za istraživanje prostornoga i sociokulturnog razvoja OTPIS 2019, 2021. Vol. 54 (2016), 2
45. članak / article Local and public heritage at a World Heritage site ...
Conway, Frederick J.. Local and public heritage at a World Heritage site / Frederick J. Conway. - 2014. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 44 (2014)
46. knjiga / book Managing visitor attractions : new directions ...
Managing visitor attractions : new directions / edited by Alan Fyall, Brian Garrod and Anna Leask. - Oxford, 2003
47. članak / article Marketing implications for attractions ...
Middleton, Victor T.C.. Marketing implications for attractions / Victor T.C. Middleton. - 1989. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 10 (1989), No. 3
48. knjiga / book Marketing turističkih atrakcija, festivala i posebnih događanja : kako ga primijeniti ...
Marketing turističkih atrakcija, festivala i posebnih događanja : kako ga primijeniti / Bill Richards ; preveo Boran Petrić. - Zagreb, 1997
49. knjiga / book Marketing turističkih atrakcija, festivala i posebnih događanja : kako ga primijeniti ...
Marketing turističkih atrakcija, festivala i posebnih događanja : kako ga primijeniti / Bill Richards ; preveo Boran Petrić. - Zagreb, 1997
50. knjiga / book Metodologija prostorne valorizacije turističkih privlačnosti : doktorska disertacija ...
Metodologija prostorne valorizacije turističkih privlačnosti : doktorska disertacija / Eduard Kušen. - Zagreb, 1999
51. knjiga / book National image & competitive advantage : the theory and practice of place branding ...
National image & competitive advantage : the theory and practice of place branding / Eugene D. Jaffe, Israel D. Nebenzahl. - 2nd. ed. - Copenhagen, 2006
52. članak / article Natural and built photographic images: preference, complexity, and recall ...
Sparks, Beverley A.. Natural and built photographic images: preference, complexity, and recall / Beverley A. Sparks, Ying Wang. - 2014. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 31 (2014), No. 7-8
53. članak / article Neki teorijski i praktični aspekti turističke valorizacije ...
Čomić, Đorđe. Neki teorijski i praktični aspekti turističke valorizacije / Đorđe Čomić. - 1990. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 38 (1990), br. 6
54. članak / article Očuvani okoliš kao resurs turističkoga gospodarstva ...
Kušen, Eduard. Očuvani okoliš kao resurs turističkoga gospodarstva / Eduard Kušen. - 1998. // Međunarodno savjetovanje Financiranje u zaštiti okoliša = International conference Environmental protection financing : zbornik radova, Mljet, 3. i 4. lipnja 1998 = Internationale Tagung Umweltschutzfinanzierung / [gl. i odg. ur. Ante Kutle]
55. članak / article Očuvani prostor kao strateški resurs hrvatskog turizma ...
Bulić, Niko. Očuvani prostor kao strateški resurs hrvatskog turizma = Preserved natural landscape as Croatia's strategic tourism resource / Niko Bulić. - 1996. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 44 (1996), br. 11-12
56. članak / article Organic community tourism: a cocreated approach ...
Hamilton, Kathy. Organic community tourism: a cocreated approach / Kathy Hamilton, Matthew Alexander. - 2013. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 42 (2013)
57. knjiga / book Otok Rab : uvjeti i rezultati turističke valorizacije ...
Otok Rab : uvjeti i rezultati turističke valorizacije / Hrvoje Turk ; crteži Štefica Katunar, Majda Šegota. - Rab; Zagreb, s.a
58. članak / article Performance of environmental resources of a tourist destination: concept and application ...
Mihalič, Tanja. Performance of environmental resources of a tourist destination: concept and application / Tanja Mihalič. - 2013. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 52 (2013), No. 5
59. knjiga / book Pisani rubac Hrvatske : knjiga o Zagrebačkoj županiji ...
Pisani rubac Hrvatske : knjiga o Zagrebačkoj županiji / autor koncepta i urednik Milan Sivački. - Zagreb, 2008
60. Plan razvoja proizvoda tura na području Južne Istre / autori: Snježana Boranić Živoder, Zoran Klarić, Sanela Grujić Vrkljan ...
Plan razvoja proizvoda tura na području Južne Istre / autori: Snježana Boranić Živoder, Zoran Klarić, Sanela Grujić Vrkljan. - Zagreb, 2022/V
61. članak / article Planirana seoska naselja u krajobrazu Hrvatske - neiskorišteni potencijali za razvoj turizma ...
Kranjčević, Jasenka. Planirana seoska naselja u krajobrazu Hrvatske - neiskorišteni potencijali za razvoj turizma / Jasenka Kranjčević. - 2018. // Konferencija Integralni pristup zaštiti, planiranju i upravljanju krajobrazom. Zagreb, 20. listopada 2018. : zbornik sažetaka = Conference Integrated approach to landscape protection, planning and management. Zagreb 20 October 2018 : book of abstracts. / urednica Jadranka Vranek
62. knjiga / book Politika e produktit turistik si bazë për zhvillimin e turizmit në rajonin e Pejës ...
Politika e produktit turistik si bazë për zhvillimin e turizmit në rajonin e Pejës / Nexhat Muhaxheri. - Pejë, 1989
63. članak / article Potential of libraries as tourist attractions: case study of Croatia ...
Tokić, Ksenija. Potential of libraries as tourist attractions: case study of Croatia / Ksenija Tokić, Jasenka Kranjčević. - 2018. // 7. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij Gospodarstvo istočne Hrvatske - vizija i razvoj = 7th international scientific symposium Economy of Eastern Croatia - vision and growth / urednici Anka Mašek Tonković, Boris Crnković
64. članak / article Prikaz knjige : Hrvatski maritimni turistički kapital ...
Kranjčević, Jasenka. Prikaz knjige : Hrvatski maritimni turistički kapital / Darko Vlahović. - 2013. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 61 (2013), br. 2
65. članak / article Prikaz patenta : 3D tablični prikaz turističkih atrakcija kao industrijski dizajn ...
Kranjčević, Jasenka. Prikaz patenta : 3D tablični prikaz turističkih atrakcija kao industrijski dizajn. - 2012. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 60 (2012), br. 1
66. članak / article Prirodna i antropogena osnova turizma Hrvatske ...
Ružić, Pavlo. Prirodna i antropogena osnova turizma Hrvatske / Pavlo Ružić, Damir Demonja. - 2013. // Sociologija i prostor : časopis za istraživanje prostornoga i sociokulturnog razvoja OTPIS 2019, 2021. Vol. 51 (2013), 1
67. članak / article Recommendation system for popular tourist attractions in Taiwan using Delphi panel and repertory grid techniques ...
Yeh, Duen-Yian. Recommendation system for popular tourist attractions in Taiwan using Delphi panel and repertory grid techniques / Duen-Yian Yeh, Ching-Hse Cheng. - 2015. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 46 (2015)
68. članak / article Regional analysis of tourism resources ...
Smith, Stephen L.J.. Regional analysis of tourism resources / Stephen L.J. Smith. - 1987. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 14 (1987), No. 2
69. članak / article Researching the management of visitor attractions: international comparative study issues ...
Leask, Anna. Researching the management of visitor attractions: international comparative study issues / Anna Leask, Alan Fyall. - 2006. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 31 (2006), No. 2
70. članak / article Resource use and tourism on a small Indonesian island ...
Cushnahan, Gavan J.. Resource use and tourism on a small Indonesian island / Gavan Cushnahan. - 2001. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 26 (2001), No. 3
71. članak / article Satisfaction with visit to tourism attractions ...
Navratil, Josef. Satisfaction with visit to tourism attractions / Josef Navratil, Kamil Picha, Jana Navratilova. - 2012. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 60 (2012), No. 4
72. članak / article Scottish visitor attractions: managing visitor impacts ...
Garrod, Brian. Scottish visitor attractions: managing visitor impacts / Brian Garrod, Alan Fyall, Anna Leask. - 2002. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 23 (2002), No. 3
73. članak / article Skrb za turističke potencijale danas, zalog za dugoročni razvoj turizma sutra ...
Kušen, Eduard. Skrb za turističke potencijale danas, zalog za dugoročni razvoj turizma sutra = Care for the tourism potentials of today, pledge for long-term development of tourism of tomorrow / E. Kušen. // Zbornik radova Veleučilišta u Šibeniku. 1. znanstvenostručna konferencija s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Izazovi današnjice turizam za danas - za sutra. Šibenik, 19.-20.9.2013. = 1st scientific and professional conference with international participation The challenges of today tourism today - for tourism tomorrow. September 19 and 20, 2013
74. članak / article Spatial patterns of leisure travel by trip purpose ...
Perdue, Richard R.. Spatial patterns of leisure travel by trip purpose / Richard R. Perdue, Larry D. Gustke. - 1985. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 12 (1985), No. 2
75. knjiga / book The Columbus guide to world tourist attractions ...
The Columbus guide to world tourist attractions. - London, 2000
76. knjiga / book The development and management of visitor attractions ...
The development and management of visitor attractions / John Swarbrooke. - Oxford, 1995
77. knjiga / book The development and management of visitor attractions ...
The development and management of visitor attractions / John Swarbrooke. - 2nd ed. - Oxford, 2002
78. članak / article The evaluation of tourist resources: an applied methodology ...
Ferrario, Franco F.. The evaluation of tourist resources: an applied methodology / Franco F. Ferrario. - 1979. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 17 (1978/79), No. 3
79. članak / article The future for attractions : meeting the needs of the new consumers ...
Martin, Bill. The future for attractions : meeting the needs of the new consumers / Bill Martin, Sandra Mason. - 1993. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 14 (1993), No. 1
80. članak / article The role of local government and the private sector in China's tourism industry ...
Wang, Caiping. The role of local government and the private sector in China's tourism industry / Caiping Wang, Honggang Xu. - 2014. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 45 (2014)
81. članak / article The use of regional analysis of tourism resources for destination zone identification in Croatia ...
Klarić, Zoran. The use of regional analysis of tourism resources for destination zone identification in Croatia / Zoran Klarić, Sanda Weber, Zrinka Marušić. - 2002. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 50 (2002), No. 2
82. knjiga / book Toliški arhiđakonat : Doborski dekanat : Šamački dekanat : Brčanski dekanat ...
Toliški arhiđakonat : Doborski dekanat : Šamački dekanat : Brčanski dekanat
83. članak / article Tourism and biological exchange and invasions: a missing dimension in a sustainable tourism? ...
Hall, C. Michael. Tourism and biological exchange and invasions: a missing dimension in a sustainable tourism? / C. Michael Hall. - 2015. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 40 (2015), No. 1
84. članak / article Tourism attraction system ...
Kušen, Eduard. Tourism attraction system / Eduard Kušen. - 2017. // Evolution of destination planning and strategy : the rise of tourism in Croatia / editors Renata Tomljenović, Sanda Čorak, Larry Dwyer
85. članak / article Tourism attractions: points, lines, and areas ...
Wall, Geoffrey. Tourism attractions: points, lines, and areas / Geoffrey Wall. - 1997. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 24 (1997), No. 1
86. članak / article Tourism development in North Korea: economical and geopolitical perspective ...
Shin, Young-Sun. Tourism development in North Korea: economical and geopolitical perspective / Young-Sun Shin. - 2004. // Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol. 15 (2004), No. 2
87. članak / article Tourism is not the only vector of biological invasion but also the victim: evidence from Israel ...
Odeh, Cohen. Tourism is not the only vector of biological invasion but also the victim: evidence from Israel / Cohen Oded, Yael Ram. - 2015. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 40 (2015), No. 3
88. članak / article Tourism resource development and long-term economic growth: a resource curse hypothesis approach ...
Deng, Taotao. Tourism resource development and long-term economic growth: a resource curse hypothesis approach / Taotao Deng, Mulan Ma, Jianhua Cao. - 2014. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 20 (2014), No. 5
89. članak / article Tourism resources ...
Tourism resources / Lee Jolliffee. - 1999. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 26 (1999), No. 1
90. članak / article Tourism resources in developing economies - complexities of limited choice ...
Ryan, Chris. Tourism resources in developing economies - complexities of limited choice / Chris Ryan. - 2006. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 31 (2006), No. 3
91. članak / article Tourism space in developing countries ...
Oppermann, Martin. Tourism space in developing countries / Martin Oppermann. - 1993. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 20 (1993), No. 3
92. članak / article Tourist attraction systems ...
Leiper, Neil. Tourist attraction systems / Neil Leiper. - 1990. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 17 (1990), No. 3
93. knjiga / book Tourist attractions : from object to narrative ...
Tourist attractions : from object to narrative / Johan R. Edelheim. - Bristol, 2015. - (Tourism and cultural changem ; 46)
94. knjiga / book Tourist's experience of place ...
Tourist's experience of place / Jaakko Suvantola. - Aldershot, 2002
95. članak / article Turismo, emprendimiento y sostenibilidad en los espacios naturales progegidos : el caso de Andalucia - Espana ...
Gessa, Ana. Turismo, emprendimiento y sostenibilidad en los espacios naturales progegidos : el caso de Andalucia - Espana / Ana Gessa, Nuria Toledano. - 2011. // Estudios y perspectivas en turismo. Vol. 20 (2011), No. 5
96. članak / article Turismo, patrimonio y territorio : una discusion de sus relaciones a partir de casos de Argentina ...
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