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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (9 ) 9
1. članak / article A rhizomic approach to tourism destination evolution and transformation ...
Pavlovich, Kathryn. A rhizomic approach to tourism destination evolution and transformation / Kathryn Pavlovich. - 2014. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 41 (2014)
2. članak / article At the nexus of leisure and event studies ...
Patterson, Ian. At the nexus of leisure and event studies / Ian Patterson, Donald Getz. - 2013. // Event management : an international journal. Vol. 17 (2013), No. 3
3. članak / article Capturing intangible cultural impacts of tourism on Aboriginal land in Australia's Kimberley Region ...
Scherrer, Pascal. Capturing intangible cultural impacts of tourism on Aboriginal land in Australia's Kimberley Region / Pascal Scherrer, Kim Doohan. - 2011. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 36 (2011), No. 3
4. članak / article Critical realism, rationality and tourism knowledge ...
Platenkamp, Vincent. Critical realism, rationality and tourism knowledge / VincentPlatenkamp, David Botterill. - 2013. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 41 (2013)
5. članak / article Hotel-domain ontology for a semantic hotel search system ...
Yoo, Donghee. Hotel-domain ontology for a semantic hotel search system / Donghee Yoo, Gunwoo Kim, Yongmoo Suh. - 2009. // Information technology & tourism : applications, methodologies, techniques OTPIS 2019. Vol. 11 (2009), No. 1
6. članak / article Knowledge mapping for safe festivals and events: an ontological approach ...
Singh, Neha. Knowledge mapping for safe festivals and events: an ontological approach / Neda Singh, Pradeep Racherla, Clark Hu. - 2007. // Event management : an international journal. Vol. 11 (2007), No. 1-2
7. članak / article Qualitative and quantitative methodologies compared: ontological and epistemological perspectives ...
Slevitch, Lisa. Qualitative and quantitative methodologies compared: ontological and epistemological perspectives / Lisa Slevitch. - 2011. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 12 (2011), No. 1
8. članak / article Semantic representation of tourism on the Internet ...
Xiang, Zheng. Semantic representation of tourism on the Internet / Zheng Xiang, Ulrike Gretzel, Daniel R. Fesenmaier. - 2009. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 47 (2008/09), No. 4
9. članak / article Toward semantic interoperability in travel planning on the semantic web: learning a reference ontology from online heterogeneous tourist attraction classification systems ...
Huang, Yuxia. Toward semantic interoperability in travel planning on the semantic web: learning a reference ontology from online heterogeneous tourist attraction classification systems / Yuxia Huang. - 2009. // Information technology & tourism : applications, methodologies, techniques OTPIS 2019. Vol. 11 (2009), No. 1
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