Loyalty runs deeper than thread count: an exploratory study of gay guest preferences and hotelier perceptions / Orie Berezan ... [et al.].

KST: 4221-4; KST: 2221; KST: 81-23-7; KST: 2413; KST: 1051
* preferencije, vjernost * hotelijerstvo * seksualni turizam (i gay/lezbijski turizam) * management ugostiteljskog poduzeća * Sjeverna Amerika
* znanstveni članak
* gay-friendly * hotels * loyalty * gay segment * hotel attribute

* preferences, loyalty * hotel industry * sex tourism (and gay/lesbian tourism) * management of catering enterprise * North America

1. Berezan, Orie
2. Raab, Carola
3. Krishen, Anjala S.
4. Love, Curtis

U: Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 32 (2015), No. 7-8. - 1034-1050.
Vol. 32 (2015), No. 7-8