Rodger, Kate
      Using a randomised experiment to test the causal effect of service quality on visitor satisfaction and loyalty in a remote national park / Kate Rodger, Ross H. Taplin, Susan A. Moore.

KST: 523-1; KST: 4221-5; KST: 4221-4; KST: 106
* nacionalni parkovi i posebne kategorije zaštite * zadovoljstvo * preferencije, vjernost * Australija i Oceanija
* znanstveni članak
* protected areas * visitor satisfaction * interventions * loyalty * randomised experiment

* national parks and specific categories of protection * satisfaction * preferences, loyalty * Australia and Oceania

1. Taplin, Ross H.
2. Moore, Susan A.

U: Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 50 (2015). - 172-183.
Vol. 50  (2015)