Han, Heesup
      Customer retention in the medical tourism industry: impact of quality, satisfaction, trust, and price reasonableness / Heesup Han, Sunghyup Sean Hyun. - 2015.

KST: 81-4; KST: 4221-5; KST: 4221-4; KST: 1043
* zdravstveni turizam * zadovoljstvo * preferencije, vjernost * Sjeveroistočna Azija
* znanstveni članak
* medical tourism * medical clinic * quality * satisfaction * trust * price reasonableness

* health tourism * satisfaction * preferences, loyalty * North-East Asia

1. Hyun, Sunghyup Sean

U: Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 46 (2015). - 20-29.
Vol. 46  (2015)