Fasone, Vincenzo
      Hotels in a customer-centred business model: empirical findings from Val Gardena / Vincenzo Fasone, Sandra Hofer, Raffaele Scuderi. - 2016.

UDK: 338.488:640.412(450)

KST: 2221; KST: 2413; KST: 2412; KST: 1023IT
* hotelijerstvo * management ugostiteljskog poduzeća * unutarnja organizacija ugostiteljskog poduzeća * Italija
* znanstveni članak
* customer * business model * spillover * online rating * Italy

* hotel industry * management of catering enterprise * internal organization of catering enterprise * Italy

1. Hofer, Sandra
2. Scuderi, Raffaele

U: Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 64 (2016), No. 1. - 97-108.
Vol. 64 (2016), No. 1