Work-leisure conflict and its assopciations with well-being: the roles of social support, leisure participation and job burnout / Yung-Sen Lin ... [et al.]. - 2014.

KST: 133-4; KST: 133-5-1; KST: 4221-5
* zaposlenici u ugostiteljstvu * negativne pojave (nasilje u poduzećima, mobing i sl.) * zadovoljstvo
* znanstveni članak
* hospitality and tourism industries * role conflict * job burnout * well-being

* employees in catering industry * negative effects (mobing etc.) * satisfaction

1. Lin, Yung-Sen
2. Huang, Wen-Shiung
3. Yang, Chien-Tzu
4. Chiang, Ming-Jung

U: Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 45 (2014). - 244-252.
Vol. 45  (2014)