Hing, Nerilee
      Responding to problem gamblers in the venue: role conflict, role ambiguity, and challenges for hospitality staff / Nerilee Hing, Elaine Nuske.

KST: 2294; KST: 133; KST: 133-5; KST: 106
* igračnice * kadrovi i ljudski resursi * posebna pitanja * Australija i Oceanija
* znanstveni članak
* gaming venue staff * problem gamblers * role conflict * role ambiguity * responsible gambling

* casinos, gambling * human resources * special issues * Australia and Oceania

1. Nuske, Elaine

U: Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 11 (2012), No. 2. - 146-164.
Vol.  11 (2012), No. 2