Kitterlin, Miranda
      Pre-employment drug-testing in the full-service restaurant industry and its telationship to employee work performance factors / Miranda Kitterlin, Patrick J. Moreo.

KST: 133-4; KST: 133-5-1; KST: 224; KST: 5331-3-2; KST: 1051
* zaposlenici u ugostiteljstvu * negativne pojave (nasilje u poduzećima, mobing i sl.) * ugostiteljstvo - izvansmještajni kapaciteti * droga * Sjeverna Amerika
* znanstveni članak
* drug-testing * supstance abuse * restaurant industry * work performance

* employees in catering industry * negative effects (mobing etc.) * catering - nonaccommodation facilities * narcotics * North America

1. Moreo, Patrick J.

U: Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 11 (2012), No. 1. - 36-51.
Vol.  11 (2012), No. 1