Kim, Hyun Jeong
      Service orientation, service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty: testing a structural model / Hyun Jeong Kim.

KST: 333; KST: 216-2; KST: 4221-5; KST: 4221-4; KST: 1043
* turističke usluge i proizvodi * kvaliteta u turizmu * zadovoljstvo * preferencije, vjernost * Istočna Azija i Pacifik
* znanstveni članak
* service orientation * perceived service quality * customer satisfaction * loyalty

* tourist services and products * quality in tourism * satisfaction * preferences, loyalty * East Asia and the Pacific

U: Journal of hospitality marketing & management. Vol. 20 (2011), No. 5-6. - 619-637.
Vol. 20 (2011), No. 5-6