Curtis, Catherine R.
      Employee motivation and organizational commitment: a comparison of tipped and nontipped restaurant employees / Catherine R. Curtis, Randall S. Upchurch, Denver E. Severt.

KST; KST: 133-4; KST: 333-4
* ugostiteljstvo - izvansmještajni kapaciteti * zaposlenici u ugostiteljstvu * napojnice
* znanstveni članak
* motivation * tipped employee * nontipped employee * commitment

* catering - nonaccommodation facilities * employees in catering industry * tips

1. Upchurch, Randall S.
2. Severt, Denver E.

U: International journal of hospitality and tourism administration. Vol.10 (2009), No. 3. - 253-269.
Vol.10 (2009), No. 3