Prebensen, Nina
      Tourist motivation with sun and sand destinations: satisfaction and the wom-effect / Nina Prebensen, Kare Skallerud, Joseph S. Chen. - 2010.

KST: 81-1-2; KST: 4222; KST: 3663-1
* ljetovališni turizam * zadovoljstvo * kontrola učinkovitosti promocije
* znanstveni članak
* body and mind motivation * satisfaction * word-of-mouth * tourism

* summer-holiday tourism * satisfaction * tourism efficacity control

1. Skallerud, Kare
2. Chen, Joseph S.

U: Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 27 (2010), No. 8. - 858-873.
Vol. 27 (2010), No. 8