Karatepe, Osman M.
      Role stress, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intentions: does organizational tenure in hotels matter? / Osman M. Karatepe, Tuna Karatepe.

KST: 133-4; KST: 133-5-1; KST: 1023CY
* zaposlenici u ugostiteljstvu * negativne pojave (nasilje u poduzećima, mobing i sl.) * Cipar
* znanstveni članak
* emotional exhaustion * hotel employees * role stress * Northern Cyprus * turnover intentions

* employees in catering industry * negative effects (mobing etc.) * Cyprus

1. Karatepe, Tuna

U: Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 9 (2010), No. 1. - 1-16.
Vol.    9 (2010), No. 1