Traženo po: Northern Cyprus
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zapisa / records: 37444 pogodaka / hits: (16 ) 16
1. članak / article Customer complaints and organizational responses: a study of hotel guests in Northern Cyprus ...
Customer complaints and organizational responses: a study of hotel guests in Northern Cyprus / Ugur Yavas ... [et al.]. - 2004. // Journal of hospitality & leisure marketing : the international forum for research, theory & practice. Vol. 11 (2004), No. 2-3
2. članak / article Does hope buffer the impacts of stress and exhaustion on frontline hotel employees' turnover intentions? ...
Yavas, Ugur. Does hope buffer the impacts of stress and exhaustion on frontline hotel employees' turnover intentions? / Ugur Yavas, Osman M. Karatepe, Emin Babakus. - 2013. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 61 (2013), No. 1
3. članak / article Educating tourism students for work in a multicultural environment ...
Luka, Ineta. Educating tourism students for work in a multicultural environment / Ineta Luka, Sundars Vaidesvarans, Daina Vinklere. - 2013. // Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 13 (2013), No. 1
4. članak / article Factors influencing organizational responses to guest complaints: cases of Hong Kong and Northern Cyprus ...
Ekiz, Erdogan H.. Factors influencing organizational responses to guest complaints: cases of Hong Kong and Northern Cyprus / Erdogan H. Ekiz. - 2009. // Journal of hospitality marketing & management. Vol. 18 (2009), No. 6
5. članak / article Issues and opportunities of internet hotel marketing in develolping countries ...
Au, Norman. Issues and opportunities of internet hotel marketing in develolping countries / Norman Au, Erdogan H. Ekiz. - 2009. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 26 (2009), No. 3
6. članak / article Latvia's image as a motivating factor for potential tourism exchange students ...
Silinevica, Irena. Latvia's image as a motivating factor for potential tourism exchange students / Irena Silinevica, Iveta Graudina. - 2002. // Tourismus Jahrbuch : Forum für Wissenschaft und Praxis. Jahrgang 6 (2002), Heft 1
7. članak / article Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia ...
Hunt, Jill. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia / Jill Hunt. - 1993. // International tourism reports. (1993), No. 4
8. Letonija - dvorci ...
Letonija - dvorci
9. članak / article Measuring service quality in the hotel industry: evidences from Northern Cyprus ...
Karatepe, Osman M.. Measuring service quality in the hotel industry: evidences from Northern Cyprus / Osman M. Karatepe, Turgay Avci. - 2002. // Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol. 13 (2002), No. 1
10. članak / article Performance measurement practice in an independent hotel context : a case study approach ...
Haktanir, Mine. Performance measurement practice in an independent hotel context : a case study approach / Mine Haktanir, Peter Harris. - 2005. // International journal of contemporary hospitality management OTPIS 2019 - SVE. Vol. 17 (2005), No. 1
11. članak / article Relationships of supervisor support and conflicts in the work-family interface with the selected job outcomes of frontline employees ...
Karatepe, Osman M.. Relationships of supervisor support and conflicts in the work-family interface with the selected job outcomes of frontline employees / Osman M. Kartepe, Hasan Kilic. - 2007. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 28 (2007), No. 1
12. članak / article Resident perceptions of tourism development in Riga, Latvia ...
Upchurch, Randall S.. Resident perceptions of tourism development in Riga, Latvia / Randall S. Upchurch, Una Teivane. - 2000. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 21 (2000), No. 5
13. članak / article Role stress, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intentions: does organizational tenure in hotels matter? ...
Karatepe, Osman M.. Role stress, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intentions: does organizational tenure in hotels matter? / Osman M. Karatepe, Tuna Karatepe. - 2010. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 9 (2010), No. 1
14. članak / article Sex tourism in Northern Cyprus: investigating the current situation ...
Cansel, Aril. Sex tourism in Northern Cyprus: investigating the current situation / Aril Cansel, Erdogan H. Ekiz, Ali Bavik. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 14 (2009), No. 5
15. članak / article The impact of self-efficacy on job outcomes of hotel employees: evidence from Northern Cyprus ...
Karatepe, Osman M.. The impact of self-efficacy on job outcomes of hotel employees: evidence from Northern Cyprus / Osman M. Karatepe, Huseyin Arasli, Abdulrahim Khan. - 2007. // International journal of hospitality and tourism administration. Vol. 8 (2007), No. 4
16. članak / article The measurement of job satisfaction: an empirical study of frontline employees in the Northern Cyprus hotel industry ...
The measurement of job satisfaction: an empirical study of frontline employees in the Northern Cyprus hotel industry / Osman M. Karatepe...[et al.]. - 2003. // International journal of hospitality and tourism administration. Vol. 4 (2003), No. 1
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