Han, Heesup
      Moderating role of personal characteristics in forming restaurant customers' behavioral intentions: an upscale restaurant setting / Heesup Han, Kisang Ryu.

KST: 224; KST: 4221-2; KST: 3223-1-1
* ugostiteljstvo - izvansmještajni kapaciteti * odluke * ponašanje i iskustvo potrošača
* znanstveni članak
* overall service quality * customer satisfaction * behavioral intentions (repeat visit/word-of-mouth intentions) * personal characteristics * upscale restaurant

* catering - nonaccommodation facilities * decisions * consumer behaviour and experience

1. Ryu, Kisang

U: Journal of hospitality & leisure marketing : the international forum for research, theory & practice. Vol. 15 (2006), No. 4. - 25-54.
Vol. 15 (2006), No. 4