Pickeral, Lyn M.
      The effects of year-round schools on the hospitality industry's seasonal labor force in the State of Tennessee / Lyn M. Pickeral, Susan Hubbard.

KST: 131-4; KST: 214; KST: 1051; KST: 131; KST: 133
* obrazovanje - studenti * turizam i zapošljavanje * Sjeverna Amerika * obrazovanje * kadrovi i ljudski resursi
* znanstveni članak

* education - students * tourism and employment * North America * education * human resources
* seasonal employees * year-round school * labor pools * human resources

1. Hubbard, Susan S.

U: Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 1 (2002), No. 1. - 49-58.
Vol.    1 (2002), No. 1