Traženo po: Schegg, Roland
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zapisa / records: 37444 pogodaka / hits: (2 ) 2
1. članak / article E-mail customer service in the Tunisian hotel industry ...
Gherissi-Labben, Thouraya. E-mail customer service in the Tunisian hotel industry / Thouraya Gherissi-Labben, Roland Schegg, Jamie Murphy. - 2003. // Tourism review = Revue de tourisme = Zeitschrift für Fremdenverkehr. Vol. 58 (2003), No. 2
2. članak / article Investigating hte evolution of hotel Internet adoption ...
Murphy, Jamie. Investigating hte evolution of hotel Internet adoption / Jamie Murphy, Roland Schegg, Doina Olaru. - 2006. // Information technology & tourism : applications, methodologies, techniques. Vol. 8 (2006), No. 3-4
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