Traženo po: Adam, Issahaku
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zapisa / records: 37412 pogodaka / hits: (4 ) 4
1. članak / article Backpackers' risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies in Ghana ...
Adam, Issahaku. Backpackers' risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies in Ghana / Issahaku Adam. - 2015. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 49 (2015)
2. članak / article International tourists' satisfaction with Ghanaian upscale restaurant services and revisit intentions ...
Adam, Issahaku. International tourists' satisfaction with Ghanaian upscale restaurant services and revisit intentions / Issahaku Adam, Charles Atanga Adongo, Frederick Dayour. - 2015. // Journal of quality assurance in hospitality & tourism. Vol. 16 (2015), No. 1-2
3. članak / article Perceived spatial agglomeration effects and hotel location choice ...
Adam, Issahaku. Perceived spatial agglomeration effects and hotel location choice / Issahaku Adam, Emmanuel Abeashi Mensah. - 2014. // Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol. 25 (2014), No. 1
4. knjiga / book Production and operations management : concepts, models, and behavior ...
Production and operations management : concepts, models, and behavior / Everett E. Adam, Jr., Ronald J. Ebert. - 4th ed. - Englewood Cliffs, 1989
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