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zapisa / records: 37412 pogodaka / hits: (4 ) 4
1. knjiga / book SIST EN 13809:2004 : Tourism services - Travel agencies and tour operators - Terminology ...
SIST Slovenski standard. SIST EN 13809:2004 : Tourism services - Travel agencies and tour operators - Terminology. - 2004/1
2. knjiga / book SIST EN 15565:2008 : Tourism services - Requirements for the provision of professional tourist guide training and qualification programmes ...
SIST Slovenski standard. SIST EN 15565:2008 = Turistične storitve - Zahteve za profesionalne turistične vodnike in programe usposabljanj : Tourism services - Requirements for the provision of professional tourist guide training and qualification programmes. - 2008/3
3. knjiga / book SIST EN ISO 18513:2004 : Tourism services - Hotels and other types of tourism accommodation- Terminology (ISO 18513:2003) ...
SIST Slovenski standard. SIST EN ISO 18513:2004 : Tourism services - Hotels and other types of tourism accommodation- Terminology (ISO 18513:2003). - 2004/1
4. knjiga / book SIST Slovenski standard ...
SIST Slovenski standard. - 2003
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