Traženo po: mixed logit model
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zapisa / records: 37444 pogodaka / hits: (8 ) 8
1. knjiga / book Alternative opportunities in tourism. Istanbul Princess Hotel, 23-24 October 1997 ...
Alternative opportunities in tourism. Istanbul Princess Hotel, 23-24 October 1997. - [s.l.], 1997
2. članak / article Analyzing heterogeneity and substitution in trip-making propensity to urban parks: a mixed logit model ...
Kemperman, Astrid D. A. M.. Analyzing heterogeneity and substitution in trip-making propensity to urban parks: a mixed logit model / Astrid D. A. M. Kemperman, Maarten M. W. Ponje, Harry J. P. Timmermans. - 2005. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 10 (2005), No. 3
3. knjiga / book Europe and the South in the 21st Century : challenges for renewed cooperation. 9th EADI General conference. Paris, 22-25 September 1999 ...
Europe and the South in the 21st Century : challenges for renewed cooperation. 9th EADI General conference. Paris, 22-25 September 1999. - Paris, 1999
4. članak / article Golf tourism repeat choice behaviour in the Algarve: a mixed logit approach ...
Correia, Antónia. Golf tourism repeat choice behaviour in the Algarve: a mixed logit approach / Antonia Correia, Carlos Pestana Barros, Antonio Luis Silvestre. - 2007. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 13 (2007), No. 1
5. knjiga / book Health promotion, wellness and leisure: major components of quality of life. 5-6 October, 2002, Hong Kong : second announcement ...
Health promotion, wellness and leisure: major components of quality of life. 5-6 October, 2002, Hong Kong : second announcement
6. članak / article Tourism in Latin America : a choice analysis ...
Correia, Antónia. Tourism in Latin America : a choice analysis / Antonia Correia, Carlos M. Santos, Carlos Pestana Barros. - 2007. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 34 (2007), No. 3
7. knjiga / book Travel and epidemics. IIIrd European conference on travel medicine, Florence (Italy), 15-18 May 2002 ...
Travel and epidemics. IIIrd European conference on travel medicine, Florence (Italy), 15-18 May 2002
8. članak / article Variety-seeking and inertial behaviour: the disutility of distance ...
Nicolau, Juan L.. Variety-seeking and inertial behaviour: the disutility of distance / Juan L. Nicolau. - 2010. // Tourism economics : the business and finance of tourism and recreation. Vol. 16 (2010), No. 1
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