Traženo po: work motivation
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zapisa / records: 37444 pogodaka / hits: (4 ) 4
1. članak / article Challenges and opportunities for adventure tourism : the case of Patagonia, Chile ...
Xie, Philip Feifan. Challenges and opportunities for adventure tourism : the case of Patagonia, Chile / Philip Feifan Xie, Paige P. Schneider. - 2004. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 29 (2004), No. 1
2. članak / article Ethics, motivation and rainforest tourguide business interest ...
Ross, Glenn F.. Ethics, motivation and rainforest tourguide business interest / Glenn F. Ross. - 2004. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 29 (2004), No. 1
3. članak / article Herzberg's two-factor theory of work motivation tested empirically on seasonal workers in hospitality and tourism ...
Lundberg, Christine. Herzberg's two-factor theory of work motivation tested empirically on seasonal workers in hospitality and tourism / Christine Lundberg, Anna Gudmundson, Tommy D. Andersson. - 2009. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 30 (2009), No. 6
4. članak / article Investigating the moderating effects of service climate on personality motivation, social support, and performance among flight attendants ...
Chen, Ching-Fu. Investigating the moderating effects of service climate on personality motivation, social support, and performance among flight attendants / Ching-Fu Chen, Ya-Ling Kao. - 2014. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 44 (2014)
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