Thimm, Tatjana
      The flamenco factor in destination marketing: interdependencies of creative industries and tourism - the case of Seville / Tatjana Thimm. - 2014.

KST: 363-2; KST: 522-3; KST: 81-16; KST: 1023ES; KST: 1051
* marketing destinacija * nematerijalna kulturna baština (plesovi, pjesme itd.) * međunarodni, inozemni turizam * Španjolska * Sjeverna Amerika
* znanstveni članak
* creative industries * tourism * Seville * flamenco * destination marketing

* destination marketing * intangible cultural heritege * international, foreign tourism * Spain * North America

U: Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 31 (2014), No. 5-6. - 576-588.
Vol. 31 (2014), No. 5-6