Roxas, Banjo
      Effects of formal institutions on the performance of the tourism sector in the Philippines: the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation / Banjo Roxas, Doren Chadee.

KST: 232-2; KST: 6; KST: 62; KST: 81-13; KST: 1042
* poduzetništvo * turistička politika i organizacija * turistički organizmi * turizam u zemljama u razvoju (ZUR) i pomoć tim zemljama * Južna i Srednja Azija
* znanstveni članak
* adventure experience * stress and emotions * tourism guiding * reversal theory * autoethnography

* entrepreneurship * tourism policy and organization * tourist bodies (and organs) * tourism in developing countries * South and Central Asia

1. Chadee, Doren D.

U: Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 37 (2013). - 1-12.
Vol. 37 (2013)