Discovering the hotel selection preferences of Hong Kong inbound travelers using the Choquet Integral / Gang Li ... [et al.]. - 2013.

KST: 4221-2; KST: 4221-4; KST: 2221; KST: 71; KST: 1042
* odluke, izbor, namjere * preferencije, vjernost * hotelijerstvo * turistička statistika * Južna i Srednja Azija
* znanstveni članak
* hotel preference * data mining * travel behavior * Choquet Integral * aggregation function * fuzzy measure * interaction index

* decisions, choice, intentions * preferences, loyalty * hotel industry * tourism statistics * South and Central Asia

1. Li, Gang
2. Law, Rob
3. Vu, Huy Quan
4. Rong, Jia

U: Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 36 (2013). - 321-330.
Vol. 36 (2013)