Polo Pena, Ana Isabel
      Market orientation as a strategy for the rural tourism sector: its effect on tourist behavior and the performance on enterprises / Ana Isabel Polo Pena, Dolores Maria Frias Jamilena, Miguel Angel Rodriguez Molina. - 2013.

KST: 81-6; KST: 3; KST: 32; KST: 3223-1-1; KST: 102ES
* ruralni turizam * turizam i tržište * turistička potražnja * ponašanje i iskustvo potrošača * Španjolska
* znanstveni članak
* rural tourism * market orientation * perceived value * behavioral intentions * outcomes * multilevel analysis

* rural tourism * tourism and market * tourist demand * consumer behaviour and experience * Spain

1. Frias-Jamilena, Dolores M.
2. Rodriguez Molina, Miguel Angel

U: Journal of travel research. Vol. 52 (2013), No. 2. - 225-239.
Vol. 52 (2013), No. 2