Dixon, Anthony W.
      Access to the beach: comparing the economic values of coastal residents and tourists / Anthony W. Dixon, Chi-Ok Oh, Jason Draper.

KST: 5211-1; KST: 5212; KST: 23; KST: 543-1; KST: 1051
* reljef (i plaže) * litoralizacija * turizam i privatni sektor * zemljište * Sjeverna Amerika
* znanstveni članak
* contingent valuation * coastal tourism * residents * beach access * economic valuation

* relief (and beaches) * littoralisation * tourism and private sector * land policy * North America

1. Oh, Chi-Ok
2. Draper, Jason

U: Journal of travel research. Vol. 51 (2012), No. 6. - 742-753.
Vol. 51 (2012), No. 6