Smeral, Egon
      Impacts of the world recession and economic crisis on tourism: forecasts and potential risks / Egon Smeral. - 2010.

KST: 5331-1; KST: 211-1; KST: 721
* prostitucija * sektor turizma u narodnom gospodarstvu * društveno-ekonomsko planiranje, prognoziranje i trendovi - općenito
* znanstveni članak
* world recession * crisis * forecast models * tourism forecast for 2009 and 2010 * slump of tourism demand

* prostitution * tourism sector in national economy * social and economical planning and forecasting, trends - general

U: Journal of travel research. Vol. 49 (2010/11), No. 1. - 31-38.
Vol. 49 (2010/11), No. 1