Yu, Gongmei
      Forecasting short time-series tourism demand with artificial intelligence models / Gongmei Yu, Zvi Schwartz.

KST: 712; KST: 722; KST: 711
* turistička statistika - teorija i metodološki problemi * društveno-ekonomsko planiranje, prognoziranje i trendovi - metode i instrumenti * statističke serije
* znanstveni članak
* demand forecasting * fuzzy time series * grey theory * annual tourist arrivals

* tourism statistics - theory and methodological problems * social and economical planning and forecasting, trends - methods and instruments * statistical series

1. Schwartz, Zvi

U: Journal of travel research. Vol. 45 (2006/07), No. 2. - 194-203.
Vol. 45 (2006/07), No. 2