Integrating forecasting and CGE models: the case of tourism in Scotland / Adam Blake... [et al.].

KST: 722; KST: 1024GB
* društveno-ekonomsko planiranje, prognoziranje i trendovi - metode i instrumenti * Velika Britanija
* znanstveni članak
* indicators * forecasting * CGE models

* social and economical planning and forecasting, trends - methods and instruments * United Kingdom

1. Blake, Adam
2. Durbarry, Ramesh
3. Eugenio-Martin, Juan L.
4. Gooroochurn, Nishaal
5. Hay, Brian
6. Lennon, John
7. Sinclair, M. Thea
8. Sugiyarto, Guntur
9. Yeoman, Ian

U: Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 27 (2006), No. 2. - 292-305.
Vol. 27 (2006), No. 2