Hotel trade: explaining variations of training activities : development of an interdisciplinary explanatory model - the case of small hotel enterprises / Gottfried Langer ... [et al.].

KST: 131-1; KST: 221; KST: 232-2-1
* obrazovanje - općenito * hotelijerstvo * malo i srednje poduzetništvo
* znanstveni članak

* education - general * hotel industry * small and medium entrepreneurship
* variations of vocational training activities * small business * hotel trade * tourism industry * model development * TrainingActivityDegree * further training * continuing education * human resources

1. Langer, Gottfried
2. Naschberger, Christine
3. Guizzardi, Andrea
4. Bernini, Cristina
5. Witt, Dieter

U: Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 49 (2001), No. 2. - 109-121.
Vol. 49 (2001), No. 2