Klarić, Zoran
Conference, Tourism and globalisation
(Split ; 2000)
      Globalisation, sustainable development and environmental interpretation / Zoran Klarić, Eduard Kušen. - 2000.

UDK: 316.42:[338.484:502.131.1 (497.5)

KST: 721; KST: 81-18-1; KST: 1023HR; SIZ: A.1.6.
* društveno-ekonomsko planiranje, prognoziranje i trendovi - općenito * održivi turizam * Hrvatska
* referat na skupu

* social and economical planning and forecasting, trends - general * sustainable tourism * Croatia
* environment interpretation * promotion * sustainable development * tourism * globalisation * sightseeing system * Croatia

1. Kušen, Eduard

U: Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 48 (2000), No. 2. - 153-166.
Vol. 48 (2000), No. 2