Weiermair, Klaus
Annual meeting of the Tourist Research Center - TRC
(35 ; Bologna ; 2000)
      Know-how and qualification gaps in the tourism industry: the case of alpine tourism in Austria / Klaus Weiermair. - 2000.

KST: 131-1; KST: 81-2-3; KST: 1025AT
* obrazovanje - općenito, turizam i teorija, istraživanja, obrazovanje , obrazovanje i kadrovi * planinski turizam * Austrija
* referat na skupu

* education - general, tourism and theory, research, education , education and human resources * mountain tourism * Austria
* analysis of qualification * skills gap * causes for SME's qualifications * know-how transfer * skills and knowledge acquisition

U: Revue de tourisme = The tourist review = Zeitschrift für Fremdenverkehr. Vol. 55 (2000), No. 2. - 45-53.
Vol. 55 (2000), No. 2