Mikačić, Vesna
Skup, Conditions of international tourism development in the Central and Eastern Europe
(Szklarska (Poljska) ; 1996)
      'Conditions of international tourism development in the Central and Eastern Europe' / Vesna Mikačić

KST: 232-1; KST: 102; KST: 92
* procjena vrijednosti, pretvorba, privatizacija, tranzicijski procesi * Europa * skupovi, zbornici
* prikaz skupa

* value assessment, enterprise transformation, privatization, transition * Europe * gatherings, proceedings

U: Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 44 (1996), br. 9-10. - 265.
God. 44 (1996), br.  9-10