Perić, Jože
      Subjects of privatisation in catering and tourism and the development strategy of the Republic of Croatia / Jože Perić. - 1995.

UDK: 338.48 (497.5)

KST: 232; KST: 721
* privatni sektor - posebna pitanja * društveno-ekonomsko planiranje, prognoziranje i trendovi - općenito
* znanstveni članak
* subjekti vlasništva * privatizacija * strategija

* private sector - specific issues * social and economical planning and forecasting, trends - general
* subjects of ownership * privatization * strategy

U: Tourism and hospitality management OTPIS 2021. Vol. 1 (1995), No. 2. - 393-412.
Vol.   1 (1995), No. 2