Traženo po: Olsen, Daniel H.
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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (8 ) 8
1. članak / article Challenges and opportunities of marginality in the Arctic: a case of tourism in Greenland ...
Timothy, Dallen J.. Challenges and opportunities of marginality in the Arctic: a case of tourism in Greenland / Dallen J. Timothy, Daniel H. Olsen. - 2001. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 49 (2001), No. 4
2. članak / article Contested religious heritage : differing views of Mormon heritage ...
Olsen, Daniel H.. Contested religious heritage : differing views of Mormon heritage / Daniel H. Olsen, Dallen J. Timothy. - 2002. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 27 (2002), No. 2
3. članak / article Heritage, tourism, and the commodification of religion ...
Olsen, Daniel H.. Heritage, tourism, and the commodification of religion / Daniel H. Olsen. - 2003. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 28 (2003), No. 3
4. članak / article Izazovi i mogućnosti marginalnosti na Arktiku: primjer turizma na Grenlandu ...
Timothy, Dallen J.. Izazovi i mogućnosti marginalnosti na Arktiku: primjer turizma na Grenlandu / Dallen J. Timothy, Daniel H. Olsen. - 2001. // Turizam : međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis. God. 49 (2001), br. 4
5. članak / article Metaphors, typologies, secularization, and pilgrim as hedonist: a response ...
Olsen, Daniel H.. Metaphors, typologies, secularization, and pilgrim as hedonist: a response / Daniel H. Olsen. - 2014. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 39 (2014), No. 2
6. članak / article Pilgrims, tourists and Max Weber's "ideal types" ...
Olsen, Daniel H.. Pilgrims, tourists and Max Weber's "ideal types" / Daniel H. Olsen. - 2010. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 37 (2010), No. 3
7. članak / article Teaching truth in 'Third Space': the use of history as a pedagogical instrument at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah ...
Olsen, Daniel H.. Teaching truth in 'Third Space': the use of history as a pedagogical instrument at Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah / Daniel H. Olsen. - 2012. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 37 (2012), No. 3
8. članak / article Tourism 2000: selling the millennium ...
Olsen, Daniel H.. Tourism 2000: selling the millennium / Daniel H. Olsen, Dallen J. Timothy. - 1999. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 20 (1999), No. 4
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