Traženo po: Lee, Insun Sunny
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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (5 ) 5
1. članak / article Benefits of visiting a multicultural festival: the case of South Korea ...
Lee, Insun. Benefits of visiting a multicultural festival: the case of South Korea / Insun Lee, Charles Arcodia, Timothy Jeongyeol Lee. - 2012. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 33 (2012), No. 2
2. članak / article Motivations for attending a multicultural festival: visitor ethnicity matters ...
Huang, Songshan (Sam). Motivations for attending a multicultural festival: visitor ethnicity matters / Songshan (Sam) Huang, Insun Sunny Lee. - 2015. // Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol. 26 (2015), No. 1
3. članak / article Multicultural festivals: a niche tourism product in South Korea ...
Lee, Insun Sunny. Multicultural festivals: a niche tourism product in South Korea / Insun Sunny Lee, Charles Arcodia, Timothy Jeonglyeol Lee. - 2012. // Tourism review = Revue de tourisme = Zeitschrift für Fremdenverkehr. Vol. 67 (2012), No. 1
4. članak / article On positive psychology of events ...
Filep, Sebastian. On positive psychology of events / Sebastian Filep, Ivana Volic, Insun Sunny Lee. - 2015. // Event management : an international journal. Vol. 19 (2015), No. 4
5. članak / article Understanding motivations and benefits of attending a multicultural festival ...
Lee, Insun Sunny. Understanding motivations and benefits of attending a multicultural festival / Insun Sunny Lee, Songshan (Sam) Huang. - 2015. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 20 (2015), No. 2
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