Traženo po: Allen, Lawrence R.
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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (7 ) 7
1. članak / article Growth, who cares? : a study of resident perceptions of tourism development in Hilton Head ...
Growth, who cares? : a study of resident perceptions of tourism development in Hilton Head / Bonnie S. Martin, Francis McGuire, Lawrence Allen, Muzaffer Uysal. - 1996. // It's showtime for tourism: new products, markets and technologies : Twenty-seventh annual conference. June 16-19, 1996, Bally's Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada
2. članak / article Resident support for tourism development ...
Perdue, Richard R.. Resident support for tourism development / Richard R. Perdue, Patrick T. Long, Lawrence Allen. - 1990. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 17 (1990), No. 4
3. članak / article Retirees' attitudes toward tourism: implications for sustainable development ...
Martin, Bonnie. Retirees' attitudes toward tourism: implications for sustainable development / Bonnie Martin, Francis McGuire, Lawrence Allen. - 1998. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 3 (1998), No. 1
4. članak / article Rural resident tourism perceptions and attitudes by community level of tourism ...
Long, Patrick T.. Rural resident tourism perceptions and attitudes by community level of tourism / Partick T. Long, Richard R. Perude, Lawrence Allen. - 1990. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 28 (1989/90), No. 3
5. članak / article Rural residents' attitudes toward recreation and tourism development ...
Rural residents' attitudes toward recreation and tourism development / Lawrence R. Allen, Harry R. Hafer, Patrick T. Long, Richard R. Perdue. - 1993. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 31 (1992/93), No. 4
6. članak / article The impact of tourism development on residents' perceptions of community life ...
The impact of tourism development on residents' perceptions of community life / Lawrence R. Allen, Patrick T. Long, Richard R. Perdue, Scott Kieselbach. - 1988. // Journal of travel research. Vol. 27 (1988/89), No. 1
7. članak / article Understanding individuals' attachment to selected destinations: an application of place attachment ...
Changuklee, Charles. Understanding individuals' attachment to selected destinations: an application of place attachment / Charles Changuklee, Lawrence Allen. - 1999. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 4 (1999), no. 3-4
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