Traženo po: turnover intention
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zapisa / records: 37450 pogodaka / hits: (18 ) 18
1. članak / article An empirical study of the selected consequences of frontline employees' work-family conflict and family-work conflict ...
Karatepe, Osman M.. An empirical study of the selected consequences of frontline employees' work-family conflict and family-work conflict / Osman M. Karatepe, Lulu Baddar. - 2006. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 27 (2006), No. 5
2. članak / article Big Five personality traits and turnover intention among Thai hotel employees ...
Ariyabuddhiphongs, Vanchai. Big Five personality traits and turnover intention among Thai hotel employees / Vanchai Ariyabuddhiphongs, Sirachanok Marican. - 2015. // International journal of hospitality and tourism administration. Vol.16 (2015), No. 3-4
3. članak / article Does hope buffer the impacts of stress and exhaustion on frontline hotel employees' turnover intentions? ...
Yavas, Ugur. Does hope buffer the impacts of stress and exhaustion on frontline hotel employees' turnover intentions? / Ugur Yavas, Osman M. Karatepe, Emin Babakus. - 2013. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 61 (2013), No. 1
4. članak / article Does manager support reduce the effect of work-family conflict on emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions ...
Karatepe, Osman M.. Does manager support reduce the effect of work-family conflict on emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions / Osman M. Karatepe, Hasan Kilic. - 2015. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 14 (2015), No. 3
5. članak / article Effect of emotional labor on emotional exhauston and work attitudes among hospitality employees in India ...
Liu, Qingquing. Effect of emotional labor on emotional exhauston and work attitudes among hospitality employees in India / Neerpal Rathi, Deepti Bhatnagar, Sushanta Kumar Mishra. - 2013. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 12 (2013), No. 3
6. članak / article Emotional labor strategies, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intention: an empirical study of Chinese hotel employees ...
LV, Qin. Emotional labor strategies, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intention: an empirical study of Chinese hotel employees / Qin LV, Shi XU, Hui Ji. - 2012. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 11 (2012), No. 2
7. članak / article Investigating the influence of organizational justice of hotel employees' organizational citizenship behavior intentions and turnover intentions ...
Hemdi, Mohamad Abdullah. Investigating the influence of organizational justice of hotel employees' organizational citizenship behavior intentions and turnover intentions / Mohamad Abdullah Hemdi, Aizzat Mohd. Nasurdin. - 2008. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 7 (2008), No. 1
8. članak / article Investigating work-family balance, job anxiety, and turnover intentions as predictors of health care and senior services customer-contact employee voluntary turnover ...
Vanderpool, Chelsea. Investigating work-family balance, job anxiety, and turnover intentions as predictors of health care and senior services customer-contact employee voluntary turnover / Chelsea Vaderpool, Sean A. Way. - 2013. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 54 (2013), No. 2
9. članak / article Job embeddedness as a moderator of the effect of manager trust and distributive justice on turnover intentions ...
Akgunduz, Yilmaz. Job embeddedness as a moderator of the effect of manager trust and distributive justice on turnover intentions / Yilmaz Kkgunduz, Firdevs Melis Cin. - 2015. // Anatolia : an international journal of tourism and hospitality research. Vol. 26 (2015), No. 4
10. članak / article Organizational justice as a mediator of the relationships between leader-member exchange and employees' turnover intentions ...
Organizational justice as a mediator of the relationships between leader-member exchange and employees' turnover intentions / Hyung-Ryong Lee ... [et al.]. - 2010. // Journal of hospitality marketing & management. Vol. 19 (2010), No. 2
11. članak / article Organizational politics and turnover: an empirical research from hospitality industry ...
Daskin, Mustafa. Organizational politics and turnover: an empirical research from hospitality industry / Mustafa Daskin, Murat Tezer. - 2012. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 60 (2012), No. 3
12. članak / article Role stress, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intentions: does organizational tenure in hotels matter? ...
Karatepe, Osman M.. Role stress, emotional exhaustion, and turnover intentions: does organizational tenure in hotels matter? / Osman M. Karatepe, Tuna Karatepe. - 2010. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 9 (2010), No. 1
13. članak / article Subjective norms : effects on job satisfaction ...
Lam, Terry. Subjective norms : effects on job satisfaction / Terry Lam, Ray Pine, Tom Baum. - 2003. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 30 (2003), No. 1
14. članak / article The effects of family support and work engagement on organizationally valued job outcomes ...
Karatepe, Osman M.. The effects of family support and work engagement on organizationally valued job outcomes / Osman M. Karatepe. - 2015. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 63 (2015), No. 4
15. članak / article The effects of high-performance work practices on perceived organizational support and turnover intentions: evidence from the airline industry ...
Karatepe, Osman M.. The effects of high-performance work practices on perceived organizational support and turnover intentions: evidence from the airline industry / Osman M. Karatepe, Sanaz Vatankhah. - 2014. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 13 (2014), No. 2
16. članak / article The effects of work-family conflict and facilitation on turnover intentions: the moderating role of core self-evaluation ...
Karatepe, Osman M.. The effects of work-family conflict and facilitation on turnover intentions: the moderating role of core self-evaluation / Osman M. Karatepe, Arezou Khabbaz Azar. - 2013. // International journal of hospitality and tourism administration. Vol.14 (2013), No. 3-4
17. članak / article The impact of supervisory support on organizational commitment, career satisfaction, and turnover intention for hospitality frontline employees ...
Kang, Hee Jung (Annette). The impact of supervisory support on organizational commitment, career satisfaction, and turnover intention for hospitality frontline employees / Hee Jung (Anette) Kang, Anthony Gatling, Jungsun (Sunny) Kim. - 2015. // Journal of human resources in hospitality and tourism. Vol. 14 (2015), No. 1
18. članak / article The importance of ethical leadership in employees' value congruence and turnoverf ...
The importance of ethical leadership in employees' value congruence and turnoverf. - 2015. // The Cornell Hotel and restaurant administration quarterly. Vol. 56 (2015), No. 4
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