Traženo po: tourism studies
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zapisa / records: 37427 pogodaka / hits: (9 ) 9
1. članak / article Academic agency and leadership in tourism higher education ...
Dredge, Dianne. Academic agency and leadership in tourism higher education / Dianne Dredge, Christian Schott. - 2013. // Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 13 (2013), No. 2
2. članak / article Business as usual barriers to education for sustainability in the tourism curriculum ...
Wilson, Erica. Business as usual barriers to education for sustainability in the tourism curriculum / Erica Wilson, Tania Von Der Heidt. - 2013. // Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 13 (2013), No. 2
3. članak / article Diffusion patterns and knowledge networks: an inductive analysis of intellectual connections in multidisciplinary tourism studies ...
Xiao, Honggen. Diffusion patterns and knowledge networks: an inductive analysis of intellectual connections in multidisciplinary tourism studies / Honggen Xiao, Mimi Li, Eliver Cheuk Ki Lin. - 2011. // Journal of travel & tourism marketing OTPIS 2021. Vol. 28 (2011), No. 4
4. članak / article Ranking, rating and scoring of tourism journals: interdisciplinary challenges and innovations ...
Jamal, Tazim. Ranking, rating and scoring of tourism journals: interdisciplinary challenges and innovations / Tazim Jamal, Brian Smith, Elizabeth Watson. - 2008. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 29 (2008), No. 1
5. članak / article Sage Handbook of tourism studies and the construction of a unified field of tourism research : discussion ...
Di Giovine, Michael A.. Sage Handbook of tourism studies and the construction of a unified field of tourism research : discussion / Michael A. Di Giovine. - 2013. // Tourism : an international interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 61 (2013), No. 3
6. članak / article The scissors crisis in tourism studies ...
Aramberri, Julio. The scissors crisis in tourism studies / Julio Aramberri, Chunmei Liang. - 2007. // Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 7 (2007), No. 1
7. članak / article Tourism as complex interdisciplinary research object ...
Darbellay, Frederic. Tourism as complex interdisciplinary research object / Frederic Darbellay, Mathis Stock. - 2012. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 39 (2012), No. 1
8. članak / article Tourism, leisure and authenticity ...
Cohen, Erik. Tourism, leisure and authenticity / Eric Cohen. - 2010. // Tourism recreation research. Vol. 35 (2010), No. 1
9. članak / article Tourism-oriented educational leadership in the Dominican Republic: the key to change ...
Iglesias Xamani, Montserrat. Tourism-oriented educational leadership in the Dominican Republic: the key to change / Montserrat Iglesias Xamani, David Peguero Manzanares, Gloria Sanmartin Antolin. - 2013. // Journal of teaching in travel & tourism : the official journal of ISTTE - International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators. Vol. 13 (2013), No. 2
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