Traženo po: surf tourism
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zapisa / records: 37427 pogodaka / hits: (4 ) 4
1. članak / article An estimation of the economic impact of surfing in the United Kingdom ...
Mills, Bryan. An estimation of the economic impact of surfing in the United Kingdom / Bryan Mills, Andy Cummins. - 2015. // Tourism in marine environments. Vol. 11 (2015), No. 1
2. članak / article Performance, agency and change in surfing tourist space ...
Ponting, Jess. Performance, agency and change in surfing tourist space / Jess Ponting, Marrhew G. McDonald. - 2013. // Annals of Tourism Research : a Social Sciences Journal. Vol. 43 (2013)
3. članak / article Projecting paradise: the surf media and the hermeneutic circle in surfing tourism ...
Ponting, Jess. Projecting paradise: the surf media and the hermeneutic circle in surfing tourism / Jess Ponting. // Tourism analysis : an interdisciplinary journal. Vol. 14 (2009), No. 2
4. članak / article Surf travel behavior and destination preferences: an application of the Serious Leisure Inventory and Measure ...
Barbieri, Carla. Surf travel behavior and destination preferences: an application of the Serious Leisure Inventory and Measure / Carla Barbieri, Sandra Sotomayor. - 2013. // Tourism management : research - policies - practice. Vol. 35 (2013)
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